New Equipment | Test Equipment
Tebo-ICT is a kind of very professional ICT and ATE fixture software. Chinese interface, designed in humanity, compatible with Win98/2000/NT/XP/7/10 system, which is easy to operate and train. It can cope with all kinds of GERBER and buried via, posi
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 09:23:07 EDT 2009 | karkanov
Hi, I would like to have the pro's and con's about those 2 system: Sony VR-201H and Sony CPC500 and Orbotech advantage S-22 ( and if someone have the spec sheet I'd love to have them too) Thank You
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 07:10:48 EST 2006 | tony_d
Hello bpeach, I recently purchased AOI system for our company. We are a low to mid range manufacturer as well. I looked at several different vendors around the price range that you are looking at incuding; Mirtech, Viscom, N-Spec, Omron, VI Tech, Or