PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/RSS_updating-schematics-with-new-power-gnd-op_topic38.xml
. Updating schematics with new Power, GND & O-P : It's been awhile since... Author: bohenekSubject: 38Posted: 04 Apr 2012 at 8:04amIt's been awhile since I updated my offpage symbols, but this is what I
1st Place Machinery Inc. | http://www.firstplacemachinery.com/firstplace_adept_robots.html
: 51500594 Controller 2: Model 315, S/N: 31501095 Robot 2: Model: 840, S/N: 840 02965 Housing/power supply : PA-4 with (2) A Amp, (1) Dual B1 Amp Controller with Net, 040, SIO, VGB, VJI