Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions
Daiichi (D1) is the largest used PCBA (SMT/AI) machine supplier in China. We buying & selling the Panasert, Fuji, Siemens...
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
We are a major used SMT machine agent in Shenzhen, China.
fuji,xp341,cp7,cp4,nozzle,cp6,ip,ip2,disk,ip3,qp242,index-nozzle,qp341,single-nozzle,xp241,xp242,gl2,dispensing-nozzle,glii,gl5,glv,qp132,panasonic,mpag1, panasert,mpag3,mv,nozzle,reflector,mv2,mvii,mpa,centraling-chuck-s,mv2f,centraling-chuck-m,mv2v
We supply all kinds of Panasonic Feeders, also feeder parts. The feeder part No. as follows: CM402/602 8mm 0201 special N610031080AA CM402/602 8mm tape sensor KXFW1KS5A00 CM402/602 8mm no sensor KXFW1KSBA00 CM402/602 12/16mm with sensor KXFW1KS6A00 C
Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
We are looking for Panasert Used Machine as below: MV2F, MV2V, MV2VB, MSR, MPAV, MPAV2B. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have available.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
BM123 ML nozzle Panasonic BM123 0402X nozzle Panasonic NOZZLE Panasonic BM123 0603 King-shaped nozzle PANASONIC NOZZLE Panasonic BM123 0805 King-shaped nozzle PANASONIC NOZZLE Panasonic BM123 ML nozzle Panasonic NOZZLE Panasonic MMC 0402X nozz
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
Supply original new spare parts for Panasonic machines N1P61018NA Optical Input Out N902YD70-242 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE N401DB73 CYLINDER SWITCH N310SH22 PHOTO SENSOR 101683100501 FILTER W/OUT FRAME,WOOL N310P917 PHOTO SENSOR W/CONNECTOR N51
Career Center | Paco, Manila, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support
Operation, Programming & Troubleshooting of following machines: Fuji Machine GP641E, CP642, CP6, CP643E, IPIII, QP242E, QP341E MM using F4g, Fujicam and Fujiflexa Software. YVL88II,YV88X, YV100II,YV100XG,YG200XG ( Chip shooter & IC Placer) by Y
Career Center | Parañaque, Philippines | Maintenance
JOB DESCRIPTION Preventive Maintenance Execution of Preventive Maintenance activities, using the following frame work: Machine Cleaning, Inspection, Lubrication, Repair, Replace and Calibration. PM Documentation PM Master schedule PM Checklist Wo