New SMT Equipment: pcb fr-1 (13)

Single sided PCB

Single sided PCB

New Equipment |  

1) Single Sided PCB 2) Material ranges: FR-1, 94VO/HB, 22nf, CEM-1 and CEM-3, FR-4 3) Copper weight: 1-2 oz 4) Profile: Punch 5) Thickness: 0.8mm-1.6mm 6) Surface finish: OSP, HASL, Immersion Gold

Bicheng Enterprise Company

Ceramic PCB 2

Ceramic PCB 2

New Equipment |  

sales5_etlimited_cn china ceramic pcb,china ceramic pcb single layer key speciafications/special features: Base material: Ceramics, Aluminum, Rogers, high Tg, F4B, F4BK, F4BT, TP, PF, FR4, FR1, FR2, CEM-1, CEM-3, etc. pcb Board thickness: 0.30 to

ET Limited

Electronics Forum: pcb fr-1 (12)

materials in pcb

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 18 03:34:20 EDT 2006 | ridzal

i want to know about some basic details of materials in pcb such as CEM, FR1, FR2, FR3 and XPC.The use, advantages and also disadvantages

Delamination effect in FR1 type PCB (Lead free soldering)

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 30 02:05:08 EST 2013 | mysmt

Hello, I am facing intermittent delamiantion effect in FR1 type laminate after wavesoldring.Bath temp. is 255 degees cel.Preheater temp is also controlled (110 deg cel. on top side before passing on solder bath). Thanks,

Parts & Supplies: pcb fr-1 (3)

Bicheng XPC/ FR-1 Single sided PCB

Bicheng XPC/ FR-1 Single sided PCB

Parts & Supplies | Circuit Board Assembly Products

1) Single Sided PCB 2) Material: XPC (94HB), FR-1 (94V0) 3) Thickness: 1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.6mm 4) Copper weight: 0.5 oz, 1 oz 5) UV solder mask 6) Profile: Punch/ rout 7) Surface finish: OSP, Electro Gold

Bicheng Enterprise Company

bicheng Silver through hole PCB

bicheng Silver through hole PCB

Parts & Supplies | Circuit Board Assembly Products

1). Material CEM-3, FR-1 2). Double sided, 1.6mm, 1oz 3). Silver through hole 4). Green solder mask/white silk screen 5). OSP finish 6). Punch contour/cnc rout

Bicheng Enterprise Company

Videos: pcb fr-1 (4)

manual pcb separator

manual pcb separator


Manual V Cut PCB Depanelizer PCB Board Cutter It is widely used in modern rigid PCB industry. Manual V Cut PCB Depanelizer Machine Features: 1. Simple operation, speed is fast, to ensure that components of substrate are not injured by the move

Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd

CY-206 knife type splitting machine

CY-206 knife type splitting machine


CY-206 knife type splitting machine adopts straight knife design under the upper round knife. When the cutting board is cut, the v-cut is placed on the lower straight knife, the circuit board does not move, the upper circular knife moves the cutting

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Express Newsletter: pcb fr-1 (893)

SMTnet Express - February 2, 2017

SMTnet Express, February 2, 2017, Subscribers: 30,132, Companies: 15,113, Users: 41,841 What Type of PCB Substrate Material Is Right for Your PCB? Dora Yang; PCBCart Basic performance of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) depends on the performance

Partner Websites: pcb fr-1 (54286)

pcb fr-1 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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