Electronics Forum: pluging (6)

via tenting and pluging

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 02:32:56 EST 2006 | shivam

HI ALL, can anybody clear me what is via tenting and via pluging?? second one, if i use via in pad for an.5mm bga what care i should taken, what should be the soldermask open in top and innerlayers for via?how it will directly connect to top layer

via tenting and pluging

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 07:28:27 EST 2006 | davef

Via filling methods are: * Tenting * Plugging * Capping * Flooding Tented Via. A via covered with dry film soldermask; the via is not filled. When tenting from both sides there may be issues with trapped air that expands during mass soldering. Plug

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