Electronics Forum: ppm formula (6)

PPM for SMT Placement

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 23:00:52 EDT 2000 | gary

SMT Placement ppm = # of defects*1E6 /(Qty boards * number of components per board) is the above ppm formula for placement defect correct? How about in your company? what method you are using? We are planning to implement SPC on our SMT Lines, any i

SMD PPM data

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 26 21:23:38 EDT 2005 | Jes�s Salinas

Hello , In our case we take the results from the repair station. Each test station has its own repair station so from there we count the process defects : placement and printing. The formula used to calculate PPM = DEFECTS / (PARTS PER BOARD x UNITS

Express Newsletter: ppm formula (386)

Partner Websites: ppm formula (5)


Heller 公司 | http://hellerindustries.com.cn/00600-248.pdf

M C A N O P T I M I Z E S O L D E R R E F L O W suspended on the bottom purely via surface tension of the solder. Thus, a formula for secondary side mounting can determine a

Heller 公司

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