GA Assembly Ltd are a sub-contract manufacturer in the UK. Our Niche has been production of small and medium sizes batches of high spec boards and electronic equip. We now have a Quad 4C smd assembly machine with considerable spare capacity.
Industry Directory | Distributor
Toshi Technology Inc. is a specialist in buying and selling, both Nationally and International, used Circuits Assembly Equipment and Automatic Test Equipment. (Fuji, Panasonic, Universal, etc)
ADD 10 YEARS TO THE LIFE OF YOUR QUAD 4C New! Software program PECISIONPLACE PRO. This is for Windows XP or for upgrading from DOS to XP. The Windows control system was designed exclusively for the Quad C series machines. More Details!
GA Assembly Ltd. is located in the U.K. We are sub-contract manufacturers of PCB assemblies and Electronic Equipment. Our Niche has been production of high specification boards in small to medium quantities. We recently added a Quad 4C SMD placemen
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 15:16:54 EST 2014 | ppminc
If all of the lights are on, on the operator interface panel usually that means the EPCU is defective or not fully seated correctly. If you swapped out the EPCU board from another machine you need to make sure its the same type of machine. If it has
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 02 04:56:38 EST 2014 | bobpan
Here is a couple of things to look at: 1. Make sure the boards are plugged into the correct position. Also just leave out the transport card to see if its hanging up the machine. The transport board should be the board all the way to the right. 2. M
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Well maintained Quad 4c refurbed by PPM with Windows XP upgrade. It has a work holder instead of the conveyor. We have had this machine since 2011.
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Quad 4C Pick and Place System With Feeder, Upward Looking Camera, Downward Looking Camera, (2) Nozzle Changer Feeders With Nozzles, (1) Hoover Davis LFF10-018 Label Feeder. AUCTION ITEM: WWW.XLINEASSETS.COM COMPLETE FACTORY CLOSURE AUCTION
Industry News | 2010-07-20 13:41:03.0
Count On Tools Inc., a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, introduces its new Quad 8mm Feeder Peel Roller (Blue Urethane), OEM PN# 30-15495 (Tyco #4-1567056-3).
Industry News | 2011-04-20 15:54:05.0
Count On Tools Inc., a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, has expanded its line of Quad Feeder Peel Rollers.
Quad 4C Picking and Placing 0201 size components from ThinPro feeder.
Mike setting up the Quad 4C to run.
Career Center | New Castle, Pennsylvania USA | Production
Surface Mount Tech - Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Summary: **All applicants must be familiar with: Quad 4C equipment*** Will be responsible for Surface Mount Parts and Screen Printing Other responsibilities may include: Moves controls to activate