Electronics Forum: rebel es (2)

Placing Luxeon Rebel

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 04:49:16 EDT 2011 | geb

Hi Does anyone place the Rebel ES? It is the same as a Rebel except it has a raised bit near the edge of the flat area. I normally pick up the Rebel in the flat area using an 0805 style nozzle (Samsung CP45 CN065) but this raised bit makes it unrelia

Placing Luxeon Rebel

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 13:56:16 EDT 2010 | garciaga

Siemens recommended Special nozzle-03070148 and provided GF to place this component using Siemens s-25/27. It worked fine in the beginning but after a while we saw droppage. So we moved the set-up to F5 machine which is slower. Their recommended G

Industry News: rebel es (1)

Count On Tools to Launch Online Custom Tooling Catalog in April 2011

Industry News | 2011-03-07 13:49:19.0

Count On Tools Inc. plans to add a new custom tooling section to its online catalog in April 2011. The online resource is loaded with new features that enable customers to quickly locate existing custom nozzles and tooling designs, and order them online.

Count On Tools, Inc.

Express Newsletter: rebel es (6)

rebel es searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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