New SMT Equipment: rfid 522 (1)

Thick Film Screen Printer

Thick Film Screen Printer

New Equipment | Printing

Quick Overview Application of WZ-1202 and WZ-1206 : thick film circuit, pressure sensor (piezoresistive type, capacitance type), glass glazed potentiometer, dielectric antenna, ceramic metallization, microwave oven magnetron RFID, automobile oil lev


Electronics Forum: rfid 522 (1)

Wrong Crystal

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 12:10:29 EST 2019 | rossrohrer1

Trying to create my own RFID reader based off the MFRC522 demo board by copying the layout and components, then later i am planning to change the footprint. I am having trouble replicating their crystal. The mfrc522 datasheet calls for a 27.12 mhz

Express Newsletter: rfid 522 (9)

Printed Circuit Board Tracking with RFID: Speed, Efficiency and Productivity Made Simple

Printed Circuit Board Tracking with RFID: Speed, Efficiency and Productivity Made Simple Printed Circuit Board Tracking with RFID: Speed, Efficiency and Productivity Made Simple Tracking goods through manufacturing was originally accomplished

Implementation challenges for PCB tracking using RFID

Implementation challenges for PCB tracking using RFID Implementation challenges for PCB tracking using RFID Radio frequency identification (RFID) ICs are a popular alternative to barcodes for PCB tracking applications. This article outlines some

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