Electronics Forum: sakihow to create a version (3)

Convertion Gerber to P&P data

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 09:17:40 EST 2006 | JW

Another software option for you maybe GC-Powerplace by GraphiCode. Before purchasing CircuitCam, we used an older version; GC-Place, with good results. Sorry, I don't know pricing. Our version is very flexible (creating Gerber, Gerber to DXF, output

Step by step instructions: How to import prn file and set-up fiducials on pcb (On a My Data My9 SMT machine)

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 31 11:19:32 EST 2018 | robertbronx

We have in our Co. an used My Data SMT (Version 2.5.4d) machine but we have a problem. After creating the file we import with a flash drive.We load and set the two fiducials and after everything is done we try to EXPORT the PCB file instead of being

Industry News: sakihow to create a version (36)

Electronics Manufacturing Industry Applauds Congressional Actions to Bolster Resiliency and Security of U.S. Defense Electronics Supply Chain

Industry News | 2020-07-29 17:24:52.0

IPC applauds leaders in the U.S. Senate and House for approving IPC-backed measures that will bolster the resiliency and security of the U.S. defense electronics industrial base.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

GEN3 Expansion to Meet Demand

Industry News | 2021-03-09 14:30:57.0

As electronic production test and measurement policies come into place, the demand for equipment to enable manufacturers to fulfil their obligations increases.

Gen3 Systems

Express Newsletter: sakihow to create a version (1142)

Partner Websites: sakihow to create a version (5837)

Critical Differences Between IPC 6012 and IPC-A-600 - Blackfox

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC | https://www.blackfox.com/critical-differences-between-ipc-6012-and-ipc-a-600/

. Other times, a company seeks to create an IPC 6012 Certified IPC Trainer position to teach people in the assembly line about the two documents discussed in this post

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

Gerber to PCB pick and place and AOI machines. Gerber to netlist translation - PCB assembly / PCBA |

| https://unisoft-cim.com/gerber-connection_download.htm

. Next for each step matching assembly lists and assembly drawings are created. These drawings can either be printed or save to a file (PDF Adobe, etc.) or displayed on the screen. To create assembly and process sheets on the main menu click ASSEMBLY

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