Industry Directory: seho mws2340 (1)


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Electronics Forum: seho mws2340 (1)

Wave replacement : Ersa, Seho, Electrovert or other

Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 03:56:36 EDT 2018 | ced

Hello, I work on the replacement on our old waves. The objective is to replace 6622C waves by full tunnel N2 waves, for the benchmark, I have selected 3 manufacturers : Ersa, Seho and Electrovert. What are your experiences with these manufacturers

Used SMT Equipment: seho mws2340 (2)



Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

This absolute GEM of a machine has arrived. Full tunnel Nitrogen, all options, separate fluxer, etc. etc. etc. Fully reconditioned this system will sell EXW KVMS for a mere 35.000 EUR. Grasp this opportunity before it is to late! More info jvanmeerte

KVMS SMT Equipment Services Supplies

SEHO MWS2340LRT (2008) with complet

SEHO MWS2340LRT (2008) with complet

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

Machine now located in Belgium. Excellent condition! Leadfree - pot is empty. Offers accepted from 20.000 EUR upwards. Pictures available on request! 

KVMS SMT Equipment Services Supplies

Express Newsletter: seho mws2340 (39)

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