Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Rommtech-3S is your partner for reliable and cost effective contract manufacturing!have more than 15 years experience in the production of electronic and electromechanical devices � security products, radiators; cash registers manufacturing; igniters
Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 03:56:36 EDT 2018 | ced
Hello, I work on the replacement on our old waves. The objective is to replace 6622C waves by full tunnel N2 waves, for the benchmark, I have selected 3 manufacturers : Ersa, Seho and Electrovert. What are your experiences with these manufacturers
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave
This absolute GEM of a machine has arrived. Full tunnel Nitrogen, all options, separate fluxer, etc. etc. etc. Fully reconditioned this system will sell EXW KVMS for a mere 35.000 EUR. Grasp this opportunity before it is to late! More info jvanmeerte
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave
Machine now located in Belgium. Excellent condition! Leadfree - pot is empty. Offers accepted from 20.000 EUR upwards. Pictures available on request!