New SMT Equipment: si v200 (2)

SI-V200 AOI Inspection

SI-V200 AOI Inspection

New Equipment | Inspection

The new SI-V200 PCB/PWB Visual Inspection Equipment offers high speed & high accuracy inspection. Suitable for both re-flow and post-flow inspection, the SI-V200 is capable of inspect 01005 chip components. Optional PCB size support up to 27.6" X 18"

Sony Manufacturing Systems America, Inc

JUKI RV-1 PCB Visual Inspection Machine (AOI/SPI)

JUKI RV-1 PCB Visual Inspection Machine (AOI/SPI)

New Equipment | Inspection

Equipped with a "Clear Vision Capturing System", the RV-1 is capable high-speed and high-precision inspection. The RV-1 captures super clear images using a large sized ring light and coaxial light and enables easy operation by using a newly develope

Juki Automation Systems

Electronics Forum: si v200 (4)


Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 19 13:57:26 EDT 2010 | dan_ems

Hi, is someone who has experience in programming SI-V200 AOI machine? I'm curious how long takes to make a new program for a board with 50 types of components (30 ssop, sop, qfn, BGA and the rest up to 50 components 0603, 0805, 1206), without having


Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 18 09:40:08 EDT 2010 | dan_ems

Nobody knows? I ask that because for me it takes a long time, over 10 hours. Then, please tell me what aoi machine do you have and how many hours do you need to finish such programs. Thanks you !

Used SMT Equipment: si v200 (3)

Sony SI-V200

Used SMT Equipment | Visual Inspection

R (can modify R-L) Rear SONY SI-V200 AOI 07/2010  V0197007 L -> R (can modify R-L) Rear        

Salescon Ltd.

Sony SI-V200

Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

Sony SI-V200 inline AOI for sale. It is 2008 vintage and has been used for a short time. For more details, please contact us.

C.P Company

Industry News: si v200 (1)

NEPCON South China 2011 to Focus on New Product Innovations

Industry News | 2011-08-01 16:38:05.0

Taking place from August 30 to September 1 at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, NEPCON South China 2011 will span nearly 30,000 sqm and attract more than 500 exhibitors from 22 countries and regions.

Reed Exhibitions - RX (Reed Exhibitions)

Videos: si v200 (1)

RV-1 PWB Visual Inspection Machine (AOI/SPI) [Part 1]

RV-1 PWB Visual Inspection Machine (AOI/SPI) [Part 1]


Equipped with a "Clear Vision Capturing System", the RV-1 is capable high-speed and high-precision inspection. The RV-1 captures super clear images using a large sized ring light and coaxial light and enables easy operation by using a newly develope

Juki Automation Systems

Express Newsletter: si v200 (35)

si v200 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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