Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 13:14:28 EST 2005 | bobpan
Anyone familiar with making smema work on the ekra x5. I believe is was manufactured with a siemens (not smema)setup. We found the cables to make the siemens work but i am not sure if i can short a couple of inputs on the cable to make the smema func
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 14:45:16 EST 2015 | ttheis
Thanks. Our older oven does have a basic PC interface but no SMEMA. Maybe I can write a short program for the oven's PC to pace the boards into the oven. I could interact with the conveyor's SMEMA interface via low-cost Arduino or something similar.
Industry News | 2018-09-13 18:10:17.0
series is Seica’s latest innovative flying prober on the market today. It’s ability to test traditional loaded boards is unmatched in today’s market, but also its ability to test wafers, substrates, MLOs and assemblies is quite extraordinary. From NPI pilot runs to full production runs, with its fast ICT test capabilities the system can also be configured to regenerate netlists and schematics for circuit assemblies that have no data whatsoever. The system can also be configured for functional testing such as; power up, boundary scan, flash programming, and LED testing or using Seica’s functional language the user can create their own test code or run National Instruments TeststandTM Labview sequences. Seica will also discuss many other product offerings from bed of nails testers, to automation equipment, conformal coat and THT (Dragonfly) test systems, and our laser based selective solder system called the Firefly.
Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/593950_OvenSetupWizard_80xx_RevC-1.pdf
. Oven SMEMA will enable only if the file contains a recipe name matching a running recipe. Once the file is read, it is either deleted or copied to target folder based on not matching or matching recipe