Industry News: smt operator inb fremont,ca (5)

Congressman Mike Honda Tours Juki Automation Systems in California

Industry News | 2015-08-20 08:26:34.0

Today, Congressman Mike Honda (D-Silicon Valley) met with executives and employees of IPC-member company Juki Automation Systems at the company’s facility in Fremont, Calif. Coordinated by IPC, the world’s leading association for electronics manufacturing companies, this visit is part of a nationwide effort to educate policymakers about legislative and regulatory issues that affect the electronics manufacturing industry.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Speedprint to Host Live Demonstrations of the SP710 Screen Printer in Fremont, CA on October 15th

Industry News | 2015-10-01 14:48:38.0

Speedprint Technology will showcase the SP710 Screen Printer with Advanced Dispense Unit + (ADu) during a live demonstration, scheduled to take place on Thursday, October 15, 2015. Morning and afternoon sessions will be held at Lean Stream’s new Fremont, CA demo facility from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 3-5:30 p.m. with lunch and refreshments to follow.

Speedprint Technology

Career Center - Resumes: smt operator inb fremont,ca (1)

SMT Process Engineer

Career Center | Fremont, California USA | Engineering,Production

4 years of PCB assembly process.

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