The PCB Footprint Expert is a powerful CAD library development tool powered by our own proprietary CAD LEAP Technology (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences). It is packed with very powerful advanced library management features that cuts foo
New Equipment | Education/Training
Please visit our main X-ray Training Class page for more information. PSI's comprehensive X-ray inspection training class leverages X-ray technology to help your SMT inspection and quality personnel improve quality and quickly diagnose problems. You
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 01:38:53 EST 2019 | ajspec
Hi, i'm facing solder mask peel off but limited to the solder defined pad only(opening area). no peel off on the other area and it happened on electroless nickel immersion gold finishing only. for other finishing is not affected. kindly advise if you
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 11:26:25 EST 2019 | SMTA-Norah
Yes, a polite complaint to our board shop later and the next batch didn't have that problem at least. I'm not convinced it's an ENIG issue as there was variability panel to panel in the first place.
Industry News | 2016-12-09 23:33:42.0
GPD Global offers advanced dispense pump technologies to upgrade your existing platform and take advantage of existing capital equipment. Retrofit your system with innovative dispensing technology for excellent dispense control and repeatability.
Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:25:04.0
Analysis of smt nozzle Material
Technical Library | 2015-12-31 15:19:28.0
Today's consumer electronic product are characterized by miniatuization, portability and light weight with high performance, especially for 3G mobile products. In the future more fine pitch CSPs (0.4mm) component will be required. However, the product reliability has been a big challenge with the fine pitch CSP. Firstly, the fine pitch CSPs are with smaller solder balls of 0.25mm diameter or even smaller. The small solder ball and pad size do weaken the solder connection and the adhesion of the pad and substrate, thus the pad will peel off easily from the PCB substrate. In addition, miniature solder joint reduce the strength during mechanical vibration, thermal shock, fatigue failure, etc. Secondly, applying sufficient solder paste evenly on the small pad of the CSP is difficult because stencil opening is only 0.25mm or less. This issue can be solved using the high end type of stencil such as Electroforming which will increase the cost. No drip no drool across a wide range of fluid viscosities (low-to-mid and low-to-high). No manual adjustment to compensate for pump variability. Truly Volumetric PCD Pumps for total control of dispensing fluids. Ability to
The PCB Footprint Expert is a powerful CAD library development tool powered by our own proprietary CAD LEAP Technology (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences). It is packed with very powerful advanced library management features that cuts foo
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NAVMAN PCBA NPI Engineer Reporting To: PCBA NPI Technical Leader Primary Objective: Transition of PCBs from R&D design to a manufacturable state conforming to all facets of PCBA production Secondary: Develop DFM & best practice guidelines Res
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enter to begin your search Close Search PCB Solder Mask Colors: Selecting the Right Option By hayleyjohnson July 22, 2021 June 22nd, 2023 Blog , Industry News No Comments Does the color of a circuit
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