Industry Directory: solder on gold mounting holes (2)

Count On Tools, Inc.

Count On Tools, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

PCB Repairs of all kinds including-Solder on Tab (Solder Removal, Gold Plating), PTH & Delam repairs, etc.

New SMT Equipment: solder on gold mounting holes (2)

Rigid PCB

Rigid PCB

New Equipment | Materials

Layer: 2 Material: FR-4 Board Thickness: 1.6mm Surface Finish: HAL Copper Thickness: 2/2 oz Green Solder Mask Layers: 2--36layers Max manufacturing size: 640mm*1100mm Copper foil thickness:  0.5OZ-13OZ Min line width/space:   3mil/3mil Min

Multycircuit Technology Limited

Double sided PCB

Double sided PCB

New Equipment | Components

1) 120*130mm/1up, FR-4, Tg 135, CTI 175-225V 2) Dielectric constant(Er): 4.4-5.2 3) 2 layers, 1.6mm thick, 1 oz 4) Min. hole size: 0.3mm 5) Min. track/space: 4/4 mils 6) LPI Solder mask/White legend 7) Fiducial mark, tooling strips, mounting ho

Bicheng Enterprise Company

Electronics Forum: solder on gold mounting holes (41)

gold embrittlement on paste in hole 30 micro in. gold plated lead

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 17:30:35 EDT 1999 | Dave Clements

I discovered that we have some gold plated (30 mico in.) through hole connectors which were Paste In Hole soldered (60 sec at reflow) on a HASL PCB. Do we have an embrittlement reliability issue? The calculated volume % of gold in the joints is about

Re: gold embrittlement on paste in hole 30 micro in. gold plated lead

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 17:44:51 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| I discovered that we have some gold plated (30 mico in.) through hole connectors which were Paste In Hole soldered (60 sec at reflow) on a HASL PCB. Do we have an embrittlement reliability issue? The calculated volume % of gold in the joints is abo

Industry News: solder on gold mounting holes (21)

IPC Releases Study on Quality Benchmarks for EMS Industry

Industry News | 2013-06-07 15:41:36.0

IPC Study of Quality Benchmarks for the Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) Industry for 2013 is now available from IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries®. T

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC Delivers New Standard on Handling, Packaging and Storage of Printed Boards

Industry News | 2010-09-13 15:36:15.0

IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® has released IPC-1601, Printed Board Handling and Storage Guidelines. The industry's sole standard on the handling, packaging and storage of printed boards, IPC-1601 provides users with guidance on how to protect printed boards from contamination, physical damage, solderability degradation, electrostatic discharge and moisture uptake.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Parts & Supplies: solder on gold mounting holes (1)

BICHENG Double sided PCB

BICHENG Double sided PCB

Parts & Supplies | Circuit Board Assembly Products

1) 190*130mm/10up, FR-4, Tg 135, CTI 175-225V 2) Dielectric constant(Er): 4.4-5.2 3) 2 layers, 1.6mm thick, 1 oz 4) Min. hole size: 0.3mm 5) Min. track/space: 4/4 mils 6) LPI Solder mask/White legend 7) Fiducial mark, tooling strips, mounting holes

Bicheng Enterprise Company

Technical Library: solder on gold mounting holes (1)

Effect of Gold Content on the Microstructural Evolution of SAC305 Solder Joints Under Isothermal Aging

Technical Library | 2013-08-29 19:52:43.0

Au over Ni on Cu is a widely used printed circuit board (PCB) surface finish, under bump metallization (UBM), and component lead metallization. It is generally accepted that less than 3 wt.% Au in Sn-Pb solder joints inhibits formation of detrimental intermetallic compounds (IMC). However, the critical limit for Au content in Pb-free solder joints is not well established. Three surface-mount package platforms, one with a matte Sn surface finish and the others with Ni/Au finish, were soldered to Ni/Au-finished PCB using Sn-3.0Ag 0.5Cu (SAC305) solder, in a realistic manufacturing setting. The assembled boards were divided into three groups: one without any thermal treatment, one subjected to isothermal aging at 125°C for 30 days, and the third group aged at 125°C for 56 days...

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Career Center - Resumes: solder on gold mounting holes (2)

smt process engineer

Career Center | faridabad, India | Engineering,Production,Quality Control

My technical proficiency is extensive and is summarized on my resume (attached). As reflected on my resume (attached) I have completed my B-tech this Year.I am a fresher Electronics Engineer but having 6 months of PCB Assembling,PCB Manufacturing and

smt process engineer

Career Center | faridabad, India | Engineering,Production,Quality Control

My technical proficiency is extensive and is summarized on my resume (attached). As reflected on my resume (attached) I have completed my B-tech this Year.I am a fresher Electronics Engineer but having 6 months of PCB Assembling,PCB Manufacturing and

Express Newsletter: solder on gold mounting holes (1019)

Wire Bonding and Soldering on Enepig and Enep Surface Finishes with Pure Pd-Layers

Wire Bonding and Soldering on Enepig and Enep Surface Finishes with Pure Pd-Layers SMTnet Express October 11, 2012, Subscribers: 25550, Members: Companies: 9005, Users: 33789 Wire Bonding and Soldering on Enepig and Enep Surface Finishes with Pure

SMTnet Express - August 7, 2014

SMTnet Express, August 7, 2014, Subscribers: 23058, Members: Companies: 13975, Users: 36604 Gold Embrittlement In Lead-Free Solder. Craig Hillman, Nathan Blattau, Joelle Arnold, Thomas Johnston, Stephanie Gulbrandsen; DfR Solutions , Julie Silk

Partner Websites: solder on gold mounting holes (248)

Vacuum Reflow Processing On Solder Joint Voiding

Heller Industries Inc. |

. Klein Wassink, Soldering in Electronics, A Comprehensive Treatise on Soldering Technology for Surface Mounting and Through-Hole Techniques, 2nd Edition, Electrochemical Publications, Great Britain, 310- 311, 1984. [3] Raiyo F. Aspandiar, “Voids in Solder

Heller Industries Inc.

The Effect of Vacuum Reflow Processing On Solder Joint Voiding And Thermal Fatigue Reliability

Heller 公司 |

. Klein Wassink, Soldering in Electronics, A Comprehensive Treatise on Soldering Technology for Surface Mounting and Through-Hole Techniques, 2nd Edition, Electrochemical Publications, Great Britain, 310- 311, 1984. [3] Raiyo F. Aspandiar, “Voids in Solder

Heller 公司

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Count On Tools, Inc.
Count On Tools, Inc.

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


2481 Hilton Drive
Gainesville, GA USA

Phone: (770) 538-0411

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