New SMT Equipment: solder splashing (5)

BMP-1000X Automatic SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine

BMP-1000X Automatic SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

BMP-1000X Automatic SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine BMP-1000X Feature ▶The cleaning tank, the original tank, and the spray tank are designed with a liquid level sensor overflow alarm. ▶The opening of the front door is designed with photoelectric s

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Flip-up PCB Rework Stencils

Flip-up PCB Rework Stencils

New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils

Flip Up SMT Rework Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to replicate the intial manufacturing process albeit for a designated component or selected area. These laser cut mini stencils can either have flaps (to prevent neighboring are


Electronics Forum: solder splashing (77)

bubbles in solder pot

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 20:42:24 EDT 2023 | stephendo

In a previous lifetime, we had a selective solder machine where I would see solder splashes in the roof of it. I thought someone might have been putting the solder extremely high. But when it was melting there would be bubbles that burst. The manufac

solder splatter inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 17:30:07 EST 2001 | davef

You give no clue of what you want to write about. Let's try this: J-STD-001, 8.3.1 Particulate Matter says words to the effect of solder balls / splats shall be neither: * Loose or able to be dislodged during normal service � NOR * Violate minimu

Used SMT Equipment: solder splashing (3)

DEK Horizon

DEK Horizon

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

  DEK Horizon Specs: DEK HORIZON Screen Printer D.O.M.:2000 S/N:274691 Top Clamp Board Hold down, Wet/Dry/Vacuum wiper, Pin Support tooling, and External Vacuum Pump Location:Chicago, IL Machine being auctioned off June 12th - 14th at the

Cardinal Circuit

Electrovert AS100

Electrovert AS100

Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners

ELECTROVERT AQUASTORM 100 Inline Wash D.O.M.:Nov-98 S/N:11875938 Excellent Condition! Includes: ReSys System and Aqua Klean water close loop system, Large Filtration, includes filters on walls Location:Anaheim, CA Machine being auctioned off June 1

Cardinal Circuit Auctions

Industry News: solder splashing (19)

SQC in Electronics Manufacturing

Industry News | 2003-06-10 08:16:44.0

The following text describes the application of NWA Quality Analyst to quality control in the assembly of electronic components.


An Analysis of SMT Solder Paste Printing Defects

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:27:03.0

An Analysis of SMT Solder Paste Printing Defects

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Technical Library: solder splashing (1)

How to Use the Right Flux for the Selective Soldering Application

Technical Library | 2017-05-17 22:33:43.0

The selective soldering application requires a combination of performance attributes that traditional liquid fluxes designed for wave soldering applications cannot fulfill. First, the flux deposition on the board needs to be carefully controlled. Proper fine tuning of the flux physicochemical characteristics combined with a process optimization are mandatory to strike the right balance between solderability and reliability. However, localization of the flux residue through the drop jet process is not enough to guarantee the expected performance level. The flux needs to be designed to minimize the impact of unavoidable spreading and splashing events.From this perspective a fundamental understanding of the relationships between formulation and reliability is critical. In this application, thermal history of the flux residues (from room temperature to solder liquidus) is a key performance driver. Finally, it is necessary to conduct statistically designed experiments on industrial selective soldering machines in order to map the relationships between flux characteristics and selective process friendliness.


Videos: solder splashing (2)

high efficiency DIP soldering machine

high efficiency DIP soldering machine


OBSMT DIP soldering machine suitable welding the THT chips . Best suitable for small production quantity welding. Economic and save labor. E: T:86-13926596436(wechat/whatsapp)

Shenzhen Oubel Technology Co.,Ltd

DH-A2 automatic BGA rework station for computer and mobile phone repairing

DH-A2 automatic BGA rework station for computer and mobile phone repairing


Dinghua Technology-- the leading manufacturer of BGA rework station, Automatic screw locking machine, Automatic soldering station and non-standard equipment. For more details, please just contact John, WhatsApp/Wechat:+86 1576811 4827 , Skype: si

Shenzhen Dinghua Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Express Newsletter: solder splashing (977)

SMTnet Express - May 18, 2017

SMTnet Express, May 18, 2017, Subscribers: 30,472, Companies: 10,597, Users: 23,256 How to Use the Right Flux for the Selective Soldering Application Bruno Tolla Ph.D, Denis Jean, Xiang Wei Ph.D; Kester The selective soldering application requires

Partner Websites: solder splashing (11)

Contact versus Non-Contact Dispensing (Jetting)

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

Lubrication Systems Mixers Pest Control Systems Reservoirs and Pumps Solder Paste and Flux Syringe Barrels and Cartridges Thermal Compounds (TIM) Two-Component (2k

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

HELLER Participates at the Beijing Intelligent Manufacturing and SMT Technology Exchange Conference

Heller Industries Inc. |

. Additionally, Mr. Shen addressed the concerns of quality-conscious customers in North China by shedding light on preventing tin splashing and optimizing vacuum degree control during vacuum reflow soldering

Heller Industries Inc.

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