Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
A printed circuit board design service bureau located in the great Pacific Northwest. We specialize in large, complex, fast turn designs common in the video processing and data processing industries.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
PCB assembly services, both US and offshore. We handle basic through-hole to standard surface mount to ultra-fine pitch. Quote and order PCB fabrication and assembly online.
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
NEW! Nitrogen Capable for High Yield Lead Free BGA Rework. NEW! Movable top and bottom gas heaters allows for easy rework near the edge and hard to ger area's of large PCB's. For high volume BGA Rework on even the largest computer and networking b
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
NEW! Nitrogen Capable for High Yield Lead Free BGA Rework NEW! Movable top and bottom gas heaters. NEW! All Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations are now available with Cabinet Base on wheels. For high volume BGA Rework on even the largest computer a
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 00:37:08 EST 2022 | joshsvoboda
I have a pcb with an ENIG finish that is using a 144 pin LQFP and being soldered withSN100C/NC258 T4 paste. I used a oven profiler where the probes are taped down to the joint and the profiling software adjusts the program for the best profile for
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 15:36:34 EST 2022 | dontfeedphils
Looks like a decent profile. Only recommendation I have would be to possibly try and high-temp solder the thermocouples rather than the aluminum tape/kapton, only because you can get air-gaps and inaccurate readings using the tape method on assemble
Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection
This AOI was purchased for $49,995 from Manncorp. The Sherlock AOI is in excellent condition and has under 200 hours of usage. The Sherlock AOI Systems detect a comprehensive range of defects and errors in PCB assembly using the Sherlock PCB ins
Industry News | 2003-03-11 08:45:00.0
CAMtastic DXP is the latest version of Altium's complete CAM verification and editing system that bridges the gap between PCB design and manufacturing and facilitates communication between board designers, fabrication engineers, and their clients.
Industry News | 2003-06-10 08:39:25.0
New from Unitek Eapro is a series of desktop systems for hot bar bonding applications.
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
Detailed Product Description Brand: SMC Part Name: Cylinder Part Number: J90650160C Model: CJ2R10-8.3B-KRJ Origin: China Condition: Original New J90650160C Feeder Cylinder For Samsung SM8mm Feeder 8mm feeder cylinder Deatail Information: 1,
Technical Library | 2024-10-26 06:26:24.0
Copper pour is an essential design element in printed circuit boards (PCBs) that enhances thermal management, signal integrity, and electrical grounding. It involves filling unused areas on the board with copper, connecting them to power or ground planes. This feature helps manage heat dissipation, minimizes electromagnetic interference (EMI), and provides stable electrical grounding for complex circuits. While copper pour offers significant benefits, improper implementation may lead to manufacturing challenges like warping or soldering difficulties. This article explores the advantages of copper pour, the potential challenges, and how PCB Power integrates this design feature to optimize performance and durability. With advanced manufacturing processes, PCB Power ensures seamless copper pour integration for prototypes and large-scale production, offering turnkey PCB solutions for various industries.
Technical Library | 2013-03-27 23:43:40.0
Vapor phase, once cast to the annals’ of history is making a comeback. Why? Reflow technology is well developed and has served the industry for many years, it is simple and it is consistent. All points are true – when dealing with the centre section of the bell curve. Today’s PCB manufacturers are faced with many designs which no longer fall into that polite category but rather test the process engineering groups with heavier and larger panels, large ground planes located in tricky places, component mass densities which are poorly distributed, ever changing Pb Free alloys and higher process temperatures. All the time the costs for the panels increase, availability of “process trial” boards diminishes and yields are expected to be extremely high with zero scrap rates. The final process in the assembly line has the capacity to secure all the value of the assembly or destroy it. If a panel is poorly soldered due to poor Oven setup or incorrect programming of the profile the recovery of the panel is at best expensive, at worst a loss. For these challenges people are turning to Vapor Phase.
The biggest, baddest, most affordable Nitrogen Capable BGA Rework Station demonstrated by Dennis O'Donnell the BGA Expert! Safe, precision rework for SMD, BGA, and LED chips on boards as large as 36" or more!. The versatile E6250U rework station co
BGA component installation demo with the Shuttle Star SV560 that has the Side View Camera option.
Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses
The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.
Career Center | Auckland, New Zealand | Engineering
NAVMAN PCBA NPI Engineer Reporting To: PCBA NPI Technical Leader Primary Objective: Transition of PCBs from R&D design to a manufacturable state conforming to all facets of PCBA production Secondary: Develop DFM & best practice guidelines Res
SMTnet Express, September 11, 2014, Subscribers: 23214, Members: Companies: 14043, Users: 36809 Reliability of Reworked QFNs. Bob Wettermann; Business Electronics Soldering Technologies (BEST) Inc. Recently, the impact of leadless device
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
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Production Line , PCB Solder Paste Stencil Printer , Large-Size Plane Screen Printer PCB Stencil , Benchtop Hotair Solder Paste Reflow Oven , Conveyer Reflow Oven , SMT