Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 20 13:40:08 EDT 2004 | Chris Lampron
Hey Dave, We have had problems with low RH. In a very short amount of time, the paste dries out and starts to stick to the squeege blades. We would see an increase in skips and some clogged appertures. This has only happened when the RH was 15% or b
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:54:36 EDT 2008 | Paul M.
What r u using for fiducials ? fids? pads? thru-holes? video model? What r u using to print the paste? squeege blades? proflow? paste puck? Why r u using Step Mode ?
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Input Power: 120VAC Features: Silver Camera, Understencil Wipe(dry, wet, or vacuum) , 29”x29” Stencil, Edge Clamp, set of squeeges with blades Soft Copy of User Manual, Technical Manuals and Diagrams Complete and Operational 30 Day Parts Excha
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
2242300321 Metal blade squeegee set (blade holder) 65° 550 mm iQUESS SJ SV for EKRA E5 becky@hysmt.cn
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
FUJI feeder parts CP7 8MM 1.0 AKJAC9030 SY3240-5LOZ SOL VAVLE ( M6 ) XS02640 AIR CYLINDER XS02630 AIR CYLINDER H1337K VALVE 9SY3240-5LOZ ckd-vp-05hs vacuum generator for fuji xp143e 1
SMTnet Express, August 6, 2015, Subscribers: 23,145, Members: Companies: 14,536, Users: 38,702 Enclosed Media Printing as an Alternative to Metal Blades Michael L. Martel; Speedline Technologies, Inc. Fine pitch/fine feature solder paste printing
SMTnet Express, December 24, 2014, Subscribers: 23,651, Members: Companies: 14,149, Users: 37,444 Profiled Squeegee Blade: Rewrites the Rules for Angle of Attack Ricky Bennett, Rich Lieske - Lu-Con Technologies , Corey Beech - River