Electronics Forum: srf70i82 (1)

Reflow Oven Chains oil

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 14:51:03 EST 2017 | joeljacobo

Hi, could you recommend a high temperature oil for a reflow oven Samsumg model "SRF70i82", I hope and appreciate your advice. Thank you.

Used SMT Equipment: srf70i82 (3)

Samsung SRF70i82 8 Zone Convection Reflow Oven

Samsung SRF70i82 8 Zone Convection Reflow Oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

Samsung SRF70i82 8 Zone Convection Reflow Oven Complete Samsung LIne Available www.xlineassets.com       AUCTION ITEM INCLUDING: Samsung SMP200-R Inline Screen Printer Samsung SM 482/FR Advanced Flexible Mounter Samsung WT 200 XLE XL Type

X-Line Asset Management

Samsung SMP200-R Inline Screen Printer

Samsung SMP200-R Inline Screen Printer

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

Samsung SMP200-R Inline Screen Printer Complete SAMSUNG Line Availbale Via Auction www.xlineassets.com Samsung SMP200-R Inline Screen Printer Samsung SM 482/FR Advanced Flexible Mounter Samsung WT 200 XLE XL Type Inspection Workbench Samsung

X-Line Asset Management

Parts & Supplies: srf70i82 (2)

Panasonic FLOW SENSOR MTNS000430AA

Panasonic FLOW SENSOR MTNS000430AA

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

FLOW SENSOR MTNS000430AA AM100 FLOW SENSOR MTNS000440AA  ​ REFLOW SENSOR FC14-900893  FLOW SENSOR-MTNS000435AA N510068526AA  Flow Sensor MTNS000434AA  Flow Sensor MTNS000435AA  FLOW SENSOR N510068515AA  ​ F

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Assembleon AXPC fan Assembly

Assembleon AXPC fan Assembly

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

AXPC fan Assembly 949839603998 0.8M Linking Conveyor, Single Lane, for Cooling, with 6 Fan on Top MMLC-2103.8F  0.8m Linking Conveyor, without Fan MMLC-2103.8  1KURA FAN (for Samsung Reflow SRF70i82 ) U6250MKG1  1M Conveyor With

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Express Newsletter: srf70i82 (1)

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