ScanINSPECT VPI is a fully integrated, stand-alone process control, measurement and inspection and programming workstation for use in process setup and new product introduction in the PCB or Hybrid Microcircuit assembly industries. ScanINSPECT VPI
InspectScan VPI is a fully integrated, stand-alone process control, measurement and inspection and programming workstation for use in setting up processes before the production floor in the PCB or Hybrid Microcircuit assembly industries. InspectScan
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 16:13:47 EDT 2001 | calipso
If a PCB is already going through ICT and some additional inspection method is desired to increase first pass test yield rates, what are the advantages/disadvantages of AOI vs XRay? The most common problems seen are missing or skewed components and i
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 22:04:18 EDT 2001 | davef
This is my attempt at beating the "Fuzzburg 7" translator used on the SMTnet Forum that mashes everything it sees. Below the next paragraph are three paragraphs,each with a common numering sequence, where each paragraph represents the columns of a t
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment
Year 2008 - Like New Condition Tyco SEP 3T Shuttle Electric Press Standalone electric press for the application of PCBs onto compliant pin housings or connectors • Servo electric press with shuttle system for product location under press ram • Ho
Industry News | 2008-10-20 20:33:29.0
ROSEMONT, IL � Industry-leading associations IPC and SMTA jointly announce that Steve Stach, President of Austin American Technology, will moderate a collaborative panel discussion on process integration. The panelists will comprise OEM and EMS process engineers who have experience and expertise in implementing cleaning processes. The panelists include Dave Adams of Rockwell Collins, Jerry Purnell of Philips Medical, Jeff Kennedy of Celestica, Jim Raby of STI Electronics, Dale Lee of Plexus, and Linda Woody of Lockheed Martin. The symposium, jointly sponsored by IPC and SMTA, will be held at Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare in Rosemont, IL on October 28-29, 2008.
Industry News | 2019-04-30 17:39:40.0
The SMTA Capital Chapter and UP Media Group/Circuits Assembly Magazine are pleased to co-sponsor an amazing Chapter Tutorial Program. The tutorial will be held on June 11 and showcase the latest technologies, designs and reliability trends.
SMTnet Express, December 15, 2016, Subscribers: 29,169, Companies: 15,034, Users: 41,584 A Comparison of Mulpin VS Embedded Passive Technology Mulpin Research Laboratories Why embed the components? Embedded components have advantages over SMD
SolderTip #40: Component Mounting and Acceptability - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed Looking for solder training standards, manuals, kits, and more
PCB Libraries, Inc. |
:23am Can I create chip components with one click? By m4l490n , 11 Jan 2022 at 11:07am 3 216 By Tom H 31 Jan 2022 at 10:29am Root Element is Missing By