Electronics Forum: static dis (3)

Are US OEM Manufacturers Dead?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 04 04:43:50 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi mate, Been working in asia for past 6 years and this calls for alot of contact with asian based CM and customer groups. experience has shown the chinese group have strong "reverse engineering" talents and are liken to the early japanese "invento

Re: Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 16:56:19 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: If I was to count, I'd guess there was more than 4 subquestions. Hey, but who's countin' anyway? I have answer (s) "on ESD all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line:" Before pushing-on, it is only "a typical PCB Assembly li

Express Newsletter: static dis (26)

Partner Websites: static dis (5)

Dispense System Service Guide

GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/doc/Dispense-System-Service-Guide-22290008G.pdf

The homing process is a standard, automatic part of the power on procedure. 1. Wait until the system has com- pleted the booting process. This may require waiting several min- utes while status information dis- plays. The main window and a prompt to

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