Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 02:17:00 EDT 2001 | djarvis
Anyone placing micro,mini,midi spring inductors (as can be seen on http://www.coilcraft.com) with an FV7100? I can get the little suckers to "test" all day long, but soon as I go into production mode the vision system rejects around 20%. I've tried c
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 23:00:48 EDT 2001 | Darby
I am currently running 2x Tenryu ( Amistar ) Fv7100 machines. They are sensational. However the version of the software I'm running sucks. Yamaha has basically taken over Tenryu and formed, as they call it, an independant third entity called i-Pulse.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
I-PULSE 7100 NOZZLE FV7100/5530 MACHINE MODEL: K01、K02、K03、K04、K05、K06、K018、K019、K020 K01 FV-7100 0.65 / 0.45 KO2 FV-7100 0.9 / 0.65 K03 FV-7100 1.3 / 0.7 KO4 FV-7100 1.8 / 1.1 K05 FV-7100 E 3.0 / 2.0
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
I-PULSE 7100 NOZZLE FV7100/5530 MACHINE MODEL: K01、K02、K03、K04、K05、K06、K018、K019、K020 K01 FV-7100 0.65 / 0.45 KO2 FV-7100 0.9 / 0.65 K03
I-Pulse Nozzle I-PULSE Nozzle TENRYU NOZZLE I-PULSE NOZZLE I-Pulse M1 Nozzle I-Pulse M2 Nozzle I-Pulse M4 Nozzle I-Pulse M6 Nozzle I-Pulse M7 Nozzle I-Pulse M8 Nozzle I-Pulse FV7100 Nozzle I-Pulse 5530 Nozzle I-Pulse MT5520 No
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