Industry Directory: thd thieving pads (1)

UNISOFT Corporation

UNISOFT Corporation

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PCB Electronics Manufacturing Automation Software for EMS, OEM & ODM manufacturers. Over 3000 customers worldwide!

New SMT Equipment: thd thieving pads (2)



New Equipment | Software

CAMMaster CAMMaster is the premier product for the most demanding jobs, with scripting features to automate your routine jobs and improve accuracy and yields to get the work done faster.  CAMMaster features: Advanced DFM checks Netlist ex


GC-PowerStation - Full CAM Package for PCB Fabrication

GC-PowerStation - Full CAM Package for PCB Fabrication

New Equipment | Software

Design For Manufacturability And Yield Enhancement. The Design for Manufacturability (DFM) engine searches for fabrication issues and discovers areas where yields may be increased. GraphiCode's Contour Technology produces fast and accurate results f


Electronics Forum: thd thieving pads (42)

SOIC solder thieves vs enlarged trailing pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 17:36:48 EDT 1998 | Ted Nicholas

Hello! Does any one know of a disadvantage of using the Phillips recommended wave solder SOIC footprint where the last pad on each side of the SOIC is enlarged, instead of placing an extra pair of pads behind the SOIC. Both footprint patterns seem e

Re: Wave IC, thief or robber pads use.

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 11:53:08 EST 2000 | Wendy Casker

Charlie, There are 2 ways to go and they both work. 1. Add thieving pads of the same size and pitch to all 4 corners 2. Make the exisiting 4 corner pads "doublewides" Both ways work. I like #2 because you don't get a bridge. Even though a bridge

Express Newsletter: thd thieving pads (218)

Partner Websites: thd thieving pads (61)

PCB Selective Soldering Machine Programming Software ( flux / solder files) Thru-hole THD | Unisoft


PCB Selective Soldering Machine Programming Software ( flux / solder files) Thru-hole THD | Unisoft ≡ Menu Skip navigation For over 35 years, Intelligent PCB Manufacturing Automation Software Be production ready in minutes, not days



& THROUGH-HOLE TECHNOLOGY 2018-07-09 SMD, THD, THT, SMT, THM, SOIC, QFN, the electronics nomenclature can be unnecessarily confusing for the budding electronics hobbyist

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