Industry Directory | Research Institute / Laboratory / School
BME is considered the world's oldest Institute of Technology which has university rank and structure. It was the first institute in Europe to train engineers at university level.
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
NEW! Nitrogen Capable for High Yield Lead Free BGA Rework. NEW! Movable top and bottom gas heaters allows for easy rework near the edge and hard to ger area's of large PCB's. For high volume BGA Rework on even the largest computer and networking b
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
NEW! Nitrogen Capable for High Yield Lead Free BGA Rework NEW! Movable top and bottom gas heaters. NEW! All Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations are now available with Cabinet Base on wheels. For high volume BGA Rework on even the largest computer a
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 11:26:02 EST 2005 | KEN
KIC Thermal Its on the web site (just root around) There is an excellent white paper on comparisons of the major attachment methods. Solder, kapton, epoxy etc. Cameron S. is the author.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 21:43:18 EDT 1999 | Dean
| | Does anyone out there involved in RF manufacture have any experience with the KIC Slim-Kic profiler? Do you find any interference problems between the RF transmissions and the testing of your products. We build primarily high-freq stuff like poin
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Heller Reflow Oven Model: 1913 MK III Vintage: 2012 Power: 480V Left to Right Flow Edge Rail Conveyor Upgraded Kick RPI 24/7 Thermal Couple Upgraded Electronic Exhaust Monitoring 13 Heating Zones - Top & Bottom 3 Cooling Zones Complete
Industry News | 2010-12-07 14:53:07.0
GPD Global announces that its Positive Cavity Displacement (PCD) technology is proven with silver-filled electrically and thermally conductive adhesives.
Industry News | 2011-11-20 13:36:13.0
GPD Global has been awarded two Global Technology Awards in the categories of Adhesives/Coatings/Encapsulants and Dispensing Equipment for its PCD Dispensing on the MAX Series Platform
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
Part Name: KIC Explorer Model: KIC Explorer Brand: KIC Accuracy: +/-0.5 Deg.C Temperature Range: Can Up To 350-400 Deg.C Size: 320*86*26(mm) SMT thermal profiler KIC explorer,Reflow oven checker kic profiler KIC Explorer * Replacement for KIC
Parts & Supplies | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
Technical Library | 2013-03-28 16:18:22.0
For the last couple of years, the main concerns regarding the electrical performance of blank PCB boards were impedance and ohmic resistance. Just recently, the need to reduce insertion loss came up in discussions with blank board customers (...) The paper describes the test vehicle and the testing methodology and discusses in detail the electrical performance characteristics. The influence of the independent variables on the performance characteristics is presented. Finally the thermal reliability of the boards built applying different copper foils and oxide replacements was investigated.
Technical Library | 2023-11-14 19:52:11.0
The continuous drive in the Electronics industry to build new and innovative products has caused competitive design companies to develop assemblies with consolidated PCB designs, decreased physical sizes, and increased performance characteristics. As a result of these new designs, manufacturers of electronics are forced to contend with many challenges. One of the most significant challenges being the processing of thru-hole components on high thermal mass PCBs having the potential to exceed 20 layers in thicknesses and have copper mass contents of over 40oz. High thermal mass PCBs, coupled with the use of mixed technologies, decreased component spacing, and the change from Tin Lead Solder to Lead Free Alloys has lead many manufacturing facilities to purchase advanced soldering equipment to process challenging assemblies with a high degree of repeatability.
slim kic 2000 Specifications: KIC 2000 Profiler * 9 Channels Slim Kit KIC 2000 Profiler * 9 Channels * Full Original Package, with original Thermal Couples, Protective Shield, Software, etc * Technical Support and Warranty from USA * Thermal Pr
SLIM KIC 2000 SPECIFICATIONS: KIC 2000 Profiler * 9 Channels Slim Kit KIC 2000 Profiler * 9 Channels * Full Original Package, with original Thermal Couples, Protective Shield, Software, etc * Technical Support and Warranty from USA * Thermal Pr
Events Calendar | Wed Dec 06 00:00:00 EST 2017 - Wed Dec 13 00:00:00 EST 2017 | Rolling Meadows, Illinois USA
X-Ray of PCBs Webtorial
Embedded Thermoelectric Cooling Article Embedded Thermoelectric Cooling Thin film thermoelectric devices offer a fundamentally new operating regime for integrated, active cooling solutions and localized thermal management, yet the assembly
SMTnet Express March 28, 2013, Subscribers: 26288, Members: Companies: 13327, Users: 34493 A Designed Experiment for the Influence of Copper Foils on Impedance, DC Line Resistance and Insertion Loss by: Alexander Ippich; Multek For the last couple
: We have a couple of questions regarding the new IPC-A-610 Revision F document and vertical fill. More Questions Component Rework Clarification Soldering Minimum Space Requirements Gum and Hard Candy at a Workstation Soldering onto Platinum Pins Inspection Criteria for Unique Lead Geometry Question
Heller Industries Inc. |
---BATT.BACKUP 230V, SUA750I (APC TYPE) 6625K---Shim 6MM ID, 10MM OD, 0.2MM THK 6649---3 Phase AC Drive Motor Controller 6650---3 Phase AC Drive Motor Controller 6659C---Quick Couple 6674K---FLOWMETER MM 6675K---FLOWMETER 200-1800 SCHF « PREV NEXT