Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 13:01:09 EST 2007 | campos
Hi all,, I running SMQ230 solder paste with a time above = 40sec with peak temperature = 239 degrees .. the complete reflow takes almost 6 min with a slope (150to190) close to .60 degrees/sec .. may I have some concern about that or it's ok?? tks..
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
Factory manufacturing yellow / bule / black SMT double splice tape special for Panasonic Product Description: 1.it has paper guide for aligning carrier tape.except its 2 tape strips sticking on top & bottom of carrier tapes. The 3rd tape strip is
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
Factory manufacturing yellow / bule / black SMT double splice tape special for Panasonic Product Description: 1.it has paper guide for aligning carrier tape.except its 2 tape strips sticking on top & bottom of carrier tapes. The 3rd tape strip is
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