Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Manufacture precision automated equipment for electronic ind. we do the following: pick n place, vision, molding, design develop manufacture molding, forming trimming, forming, assembling, pick n place, vision inspection, repairing or coverting existing equipemnt, prototyping. Nissen has been serving fortune 500 and small business since 1995.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Alltemated sets the standard for tape and reel packaging, IC programming, lead trim/forming, bake and dry-pack services and carrier tape manufacturing.
Eliminate Body Stress with Versatile CF-8 GPD's CF-8 eliminates component body stress. Versatility is the key word for the CF-8. Simple tooling changes make short or long run production jobs quick and easy. Capabilities Meets exacting military s
The PCB Footprint Expert is a powerful CAD library development tool powered by our own proprietary CAD LEAP Technology (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences). It is packed with very powerful advanced library management features that cuts foo
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 10:23:29 EDT 1998 | Sherry
Hello friends.... Can someone please point me in the right direction... I will be needing the capability of forming/trimming QFP's on a very low volumn scale in house. So far I've only been able to find one manufacturer and that is Fancort Industri
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 13:28:14 EDT 1998 | Chris Fontaine
We regularly form QFP's and FP's (pitches to 20 mil) and have experience with both Knight and Fancort equipment, however most of our experience has been with Knight. Knight Tool has been consistently good, and I've had some sour experiences with Fan
Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment
The HEPCO model 8000-1 axial lead cut and form system is designed to meet industry's demand for a simple and reliable machine for 90-degree forming and trimming of most axial components.
Used SMT Equipment | Tape and Reel
TD Mark V Lead Trimmer Axial comp de-reeling mechanism Cuts and forms component leads to a variety of configurations at high production rates Processes components ranging is size from tiny diodes to large capacitors. Component leads of disc or flat
Industry News | 2003-07-08 09:48:46.0
taking place September 28-October 2, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minn.
Industry News | 2003-08-27 10:58:00.0
Lead free solders and embedded passives headline professional development schedule at the 2003 IPC Annual Meeting
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
N610073252AA Main Body:NPM 1043889510AA ADJUST BOLT N610084824AA Label(Main Body):NPM N610073372AA Main Body (H):NPM N610073583AA CPU BOX & Wiring:NPM N610058919AM POWER UNIT:NPM N610087627AA Operation parts (H):NPM N610052923AA X-Axis:NP
Eliminate Body Stress with Versatile CF-8 GPD's CF-8 eliminates component body stress. Versatility is the key word for the CF-8. Simple tooling changes make short or long run production jobs quick and easy. Capabilities Meets exacting military s Motorized version ASCEN taped component axial lead forming machine AS-809F axial lead former, use for cut and bend axial components braid resistor,capacitor, inductor, diode and other ele
Career Center | Eden Prairie, Minnesota USA | Production
Solderer ALL SHIFTS Logic PD collaborates with clients to help them launch products that accelerate growth and capture value in the Internet of Things (IoT). Logic PD helps at any stage in the product lifecycle by being the complete product innovat
Career Center | Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA | Engineering
Cree Lighting, A company of IDEAL INDUSTRIES, is an LED lighting pioneer known for being first – first to bring LED lighting to the masses, first to deliver no compromise white light, and first to offer a sensor-integrated intelligent lighting
Career Center | Laguna, Calabarzon Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support
Base on my experience more on line sustaining and preventive maintenance in equipment and testing machine for electronics and semicon company Some slight skills in surface grinding,soldering and LAN connection and installation. Can submit report
Career Center | Colton, California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support
• Strong experience with the installation, training, and repair on a variety of electro-mechanical, pneumatic, PLC, or computer controlled systems. • Strong Knowledge in SMT equipment, Screen Printer, AOI/SPI, Conformal Coat Systems, Reflow oven, X-R
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
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PCB Libraries, Inc. |
%20Library.pdf Thanks for preparing this document. It has a lot of great information in it. Would you please explain the reason(s) why it isn't necessary to trim the heels