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Pre-scored PCB Depanelizer, Axial Lead Former, Taped Axial Trimmer, Radial Lead Cutting Machine, Radial Lead Former, Pneumatic Lead Former, Component Counter, .......etc. Thru-Hole Equipment /PCBA / SMT Equipiments. Feel free to contact us by anyway
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
EO Technics is a rapid growing Laser Marker/Application Manufacturing company, placing the emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction. EO Technics headquarter is in Anyang, Korea, with International Corporations worldwide in the US and Singapore, two branches in Philippines and Malaysia. EO Technics expands a new developing corporation in Taiwan and a new branch in Europe underdevelopment t
Precision Dispensing System for Heated Dispense Applications The GPD Global MAX II is a compact; high-accuracy system designed for today’s advanced heated dispensing applications. The frame is molded from “liquid rock” which gives the system a stabl
Yamaha YAMAHA YS12 312A NOZZLE YAMAHA YS12 312A NOZZLE YAMAHA Nozzle List Brand Model Specification Material of nozzle tip YAMAHA YV100II 31#NOZZLE 0402 / 0603 / 0805 (X) Tungsten steel YAMAHA YV100II 31#NOZZLE 0402 / 0603 / 0805 (X) Diamond st
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 14:39:02 EDT 2012 | wendynguyen234
Our S-2000 pick & place machine has head 2 not picking up any nozzle & displays error code 8342(nozzle check error). In ANC setting, head 1 pick/put ok but not head 2; when "MANUAL" box is checked, clicking PICK/PUT then both head 1 & 2's status disp
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 08:22:56 EDT 2023 | richardcargill
A lot of MELF components have solder ends that stand slightly proud of the main body where your vacuum would lift them, so vacuum leaks are most likely the culprit. Upping the Vacuum to the nozzle may help, but better thing would be to modify the noz
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
FEATURES ▶Higher productivity and quality with printing, placement and inspection process integration▶For larger boards and larger PCBs up to a size of 750 x 550 mm with component range up to L150 x W25 x T30 mm▶Higher area productivity through dual
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes
Hakko 485 with 486 vacuum unit, locator light and 3 nozzles. use this machine for selective soldering and desoldering. 486 vacuum unit is for clearing holes after component is removed.
Industry News | 2013-07-22 09:54:27.0
GPD Global has introduced its new NCM5000 dispense pump for easy jetting. With only two wetted parts and no seals or springs to replace or adjust, field operation is simple.
Industry News | 2016-05-10 14:16:16.0
GPD Global offers individual pumps for integration into your existing platform – the Jetting NCM5000 Pump is one of them. The Jetting NCM5000 Pump simplifies jetting to its basic elements: hammer, pin, and nozzle. Only the pin and nozzle are wetted parts. This means easy set-up, cleaning, and upkeep.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
Yamaha YV100X 71 nozzle YAMAHA nozzle in stock YAMAHA YV100II 31#NOZZLE 0402 / 0603 / 0805 (X) YAMAHA YV100II 32#NOZZLE For IC of tiny size YAMAHA YV100II 39#NOZZLE 0603 "O" hole YAMAHA YV100II 33#NOZZLE For IC YAMAHA YV100II 34#NOZZ
Parts & Supplies | Other Equipment
YAMAHA Nozzle List Brand Model Specification Material of nozzle tip YAMAHA YV100II 31#NOZZLE 0402 / 0603 / 0805 (X) Tungsten steel YAMAHA YV100II 31#NOZZLE 0402 / 0603 / 0805 (X) Diamond steel YAMAHA YV100II 32#NOZZLE For IC of tiny size Tun
Technical Library | 2021-09-29 13:35:21.0
In PCB circuit assemblies the trend is moving to more SMD components with finer pitch connections. The majority of the assemblies still have a small amount of through hole (THT) components. Some of them can't withstand high reflow temperatures, while others are there because of their mechanical robustness. In automotive applications these THT components are also present. Many products for cars, including steering units, radio and navigation, and air compressors also use THT technology to connect board-to-board, PCB's to metal shields or housings out of plastic or even aluminium. This is not a simple 2D plain soldering technology, as it requires handling, efficient thermal heating and handling of heavy (up to 10 kg) parts. Soldering technology becomes more 3D where connections have to be made on different levels. For this technology robots using solder wire fail because of the spattering of the flux in the wires and the long cycle time. In wave soldering using pallets the wave height is limited and pin in paste reflow is only a 2D application with space limitations. Selective soldering using dedicated plates with nozzles on the solder area is the preferred way to make these connections. All joints can be soldered in one dip resulting in short cycle times. Additional soldering on a small select nozzle can make the system even more flexible. The soldering can only be successful when there is enough thermal heat in the assembly before the solder touches the board. A forced convection preheat is a must for many applications to bring enough heat into the metal and board materials. The challenge in a dip soldering process is to get a sufficient hole fill without bridging and minimize the number of solder balls. A new cover was designed to improve the nitrogen environment. Reducing oxygen levels benefits the wetting, but increases the risk for solder balling. Previous investigations showed that solder balling can be minimized by selecting proper materials for solder resist and flux.
Precision Dispensing System for Heated Dispense Applications The GPD Global MAX II is a compact; high-accuracy system designed for today’s advanced heated dispensing applications. The frame is molded from “liquid rock” which gives the system a stabl Tilt-and-Rotate configuration is available. Full featured programming makes conformal coating processes quick and easy. 3-axis Conformal Coating System for printed circuit boards that provides a reliable robotic platform f
Career Center | Bangalore-560026, Karnataka India | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support
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