Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions
*Supply & Repair original JUKI spare parts. *Supply new and used original SMT feeders. *Supply copy SMT feeders and spare parts. *Supply SMT related equipment etc. *New and used SMT equipment&parts
Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions
*Buy & Sell SMT machine *Buy & Sell new and used original SMT feeders. *Supply copy SMT feeders and spare parts. *New and used SMT equipment and spare parts trade. *Supply & Repair original JUKI spare parts
We sell SMT feeder, feeder with parts, nozzle, the nozzle holder, nozzle shaft, laser sensor, servo motor, driver, the controller board, solenoid valve, ball screw, belt, Cable, sensor, ai with parts, Cutter, filter, feeder Calibration jigs etc. T
We sell SMT feeder, feeder with parts, nozzle, the nozzle holder, nozzle shaft, laser sensor, servo motor, driver, the controller board, solenoid valve, ball screw, belt, Cable, sensor, ai with parts, Cutter, filter, feeder Calibration jigs etc. Fu
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 11:22:17 EST 2015 | slarochellesmt
I can offer some background on the IINEO II as I feel it is much better than the Yamaha. I currently have 3 IINEO IIs in production that replaced 3 Assembleon lines. The IINEOs handle quick changeovers better than any SMT line that I have used to d
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 11:29:09 EDT 2006 | mika
Thanks all for Your input. The thing is that we want to avoid to go in to the pattern program and change the height in the middle of running a board. For ex. We start a product, feeders are loaded in advance in the feeder preparation area, operator
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Equipment name: Fuji XP142E Fuji XP142 parameters Machine year: 2003-2004 Mounting range: 0603-20x20mm (28pin IC), parts below 6mm in height, BGA can be attached 2. Mounting speed: 0.165s/chip, 21800chips/h Mounting accuracy: ±0.05mm App
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
FX-3RAL High-Speed Modular Mounter ■ Chip components 90,000CPH (0.040 seconds/chip, good conditions) 66,000CPH: Chip (according to IPC9850 standard) ■ 0402 chip~33.5mm square element ■ Laser recognition: ±0.05mm
Industry News | 2021-12-09 09:26:46.0
Baja Bid is liquidating excess equipment via online auction. The bidding for this event is now open and the closing will begin today at 1:00 pm EST.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
FUJI feeder NXT Storage cart trolley for Fuji NXT feeder
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
XP243 feeder cart Storage trolley for Fuji feeder XP
Inline 3D SPI, Standard Automatic solder paste inspection system As one of the strongest SMT 3D SPI Manufacuturer in China, we provide you all the different models of online solder paste inspection machine,we have variety of size and models of the
1200MM/1500MM Online SPI , Big Size Solder Paste Inspection Machine mail: whatapp/wechat:+8613537875415 Specification: 技术参数/Parameters 技术平台/Technology Platform super big size platform 适用
FUJI XP Stainless Steel SMT Feeder Trolley Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters
KingFei SMT Tech |
N610004064AA Panasonic NPM Lifting Fixture For External Trolley Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters