839 universal instruments 4796r hsp chip shooter cost results

Used SMT Equipment: universal instruments 4796r hsp chip shooter cost (4)

Universal Instruments 4796R HSP Chip Shooter

Universal Instruments 4796R HSP Chip Shooter

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

Universal High Speed Chipshooter In the reduce foot print model (half the length) with 2 banks of 40 feeder slots for a total of 80.  Rated at 36000 CPH Please contact for full details, video and to schedule a full production based demo

4 Tech Electronics Inc.

Universal Instruments 4796R HSP Chip Shooter

Universal Instruments 4796R HSP Chip Shooter

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

WATCH the VIDEO of this exceptional condition machine in action NOW on our website.   or on you tube http://youtu.be/6wcMMr2wcns?list=UUWpTOQ1wk2krTbyrBm35GEg Universal/Sanyo High speed chip shooter in excellent/perfect running condition. This is

4 Tech Electronics Inc.

Express Newsletter: universal instruments 4796r hsp chip shooter cost (835)

SMTnet Express - May 5, 2016

-shore to countries with lower labour costs. Electronic manufact

universal instruments 4796r hsp chip shooter cost searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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