Electronics Forum: vi 3k3 (3)

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 19:47:46 EDT 2009 | bigdaddysoy9

I programmed Orbotech VT-8000 and VT-9300 for around 5 years also. We have been using VI Technology Vi3k3 machines for the past 2 years. I find them to be far superior to the Orbotech machines in every way. To be fair, the Orbotech models we used wer

AOI False calls

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 21:03:24 EDT 2009 | bigdaddysoy9

I have noticed this on some of our large multi-circuit panels. It's such a slight rise in our false call rate that I haven't really explored it. I'm just guessing that it has something to do with the fiducials calculating the twist/shrink of the boar

Used SMT Equipment: vi 3k3 (1)

Vi Technology 3K3

Vi Technology 3K3

Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

Hello! We sell 2 pcs AOI VIT 3K3 with repair station. 1 pcs with repair station 15.000€.


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