Industry Directory: via plug bare copper (6)

Bare Board Group

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

BBG will service your quick turn prototype, your small volume run as well as your full production requirement. We have plants dedicated to quick turn, small volume and prototype applications.

Saturn Electronics Corporation

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Providing production and prototype, SEC offers advanced technologies like LED thermal management, heavy copper, PTFE for RFMW, open and internal cavities and blind and buried vias that are certified to a diverse set of industries.

New SMT Equipment: via plug bare copper (6)

IPC-A-600H Standard

IPC-A-600H Standard

New Equipment | Education/Training

IPC A-600H Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies. The IPC-A-600, "Acceptability of Printed Boards " is the most widely used published specification on printed wiring boards. This specification has set the standard for rigid printed boards in terms o


8 layers PCB with blind buried vias

8 layers PCB with blind buried vias

New Equipment | Fabrication Services

Minimum line width/space: 4mils Surface finish: immersion gold Board thickness: 1.60MM Minimum drilled hole diameter: 4mils Copper thickness: 0.5oz Special process : 0.25MM BGA , resin plugged vias in BGA pads


Electronics Forum: via plug bare copper (45)

via capping

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 14:48:44 EST 2010 | davef

SR1000 is commonly used for tenting. Search the fine SMTnet Archives on : tenting Someone gave us this note. We have lost their name. It seems to be good advice. If Liquid Photo Image (LPI) solder mask is required, do not tent via holes. Tenting

conductive fill via

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 11:28:32 EST 2002 | davef

Sand is not a great conductor, compared to copper. Never heard of using the stuff on RF boards. Our board fabricator uses Dupont CP100, now CP101, [or something like that cuse who's going to check?] when plugging via on cheap boards. Your board fa

Industry News: via plug bare copper (10)

Via Tent-Holes with Solder Mask

Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:40:04.0

Via Tent-Holes with Solder Mask

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Gerry Partida, Summit Interconnect, to Present at SMTA Capital Chapter’s Expo and Tech Forum on August 24th

Industry News | 2017-08-06 19:39:48.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to announce that Gerry Partida of Summit Interconnect, will present “Density, Advanced Materials and Cost Drivers Associated with Advanced Circuit Design, Fabrication and Assembly” at the upcoming Capital Expo and Tech Forum at Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Lab, Kossiakoff Center, on Thursday, August 24th.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Parts & Supplies: via plug bare copper (1)

Bicheng Bicheng via in pad PCB

Bicheng Bicheng via in pad PCB

Parts & Supplies | Circuit Board Assembly Products

1). 80 *190mm/2up, FR-4 2). 6 layers at 1.4mm thick 3). 35 μm copper weight 4). Green solder mask LPI/White legend 5). ENIG surface finish 6). Blind via from Layer 1 to layer 2 7). Via in pad plugged conductive resin

Bicheng Enterprise Company

Technical Library: via plug bare copper (2)

Advanced Thermal Management Solutions on PCBs for High Power Applications

Technical Library | 2014-11-13 19:23:50.0

With increasing power loss of electrical components, thermal performance of an assembled device becomes one of the most important quality factors in electronic packaging. Due to the rapid advances in semiconductor technology, particularly in the regime of high-power components, the temperature dependence of the long-term reliability is a critical parameter and has to be considered with highest possible care during the design phase (...) The aim of this paper is to give a short overview about standard thermal solutions like thick copper, thermal vias, plugged vias or metal core based PCBs. Furthermore, attention will be turned on the development of copper filled thermal vias in thin board constructions...

Tridonic GmbH & Co KG

Copper Electroplating Technology for Microvia Filling

Technical Library | 2021-05-26 00:53:26.0

This paper describes a copper electroplating enabling technology for filling microvias. Driven by the need for faster, smaller and higher performance communication and electronic devices, build-up technology incorporating microvias has emerged as a viable multilayer printed circuit manufacturing technology. Increased wiring density, reduced line widths, smaller through-holes and microvias are all attributes of these High Density Interconnect (HDI) packages. Filling the microvias with conductive material allows the use of stacked vias and via in pad designs thereby facilitating additional packaging density. Other potential design attributes include thermal management enhancement and benefits for high frequency circuitry. Electrodeposited copper can be utilized for filling microvias and provides potential advantages over alternative via plugging techniques. The features, development, scale up and results of direct current (DC) and periodic pulse reverse (PPR) acid copper via filling processes, including chemistry and equipment, are described.

Rohm and Haas/Advanced Materials

Videos: via plug bare copper (3)

The IPC A-600 specification is a set of acceptability specifications for printed circuit boards. These standards determine the acceptance and reject criteria for printed wiring boards using an internationally-recognized program.

The IPC A-600 specification is a set of acceptability specifications for printed circuit boards. These standards determine the acceptance and reject criteria for printed wiring boards using an internationally-recognized program.


This video describes the IPC A-600 training and certification program. The IPC A-600 specification is a set of acceptability specifications for printed circuit boards. These standards determine the acceptance and reject criteria for printed wiring bo


Resin plug application and process


With the development of miniaturization of assembly components, the layout area and pattern design area of PCBs have also been continuously reduced, and PCB manufacturers are constantly updating the production process to conform to the development tr


Training Courses: via plug bare copper (2)

IPC-A-600 Acceptability of Printed Boards Training and Certification Program

Training Courses | ON DEMAND | | IPC-600 Trainer (CIT)

The Certified IPC-600 Trainer (CIT) courses recognize individuals as qualified trainers in the area of quality assurance of bare printed circuit boards and prepare them to deliver Certified IPC-600 (CIS) training.

PIEK International Education Centre

IPC-6012 Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards Training and Certification Program

Training Courses | ON DEMAND | | IPC-6012 Trainer (CIT)

The Certified IPC-6012 Trainer (CIT) courses recognize individuals as qualified trainers in the area of design, fabrication and inspection of rigid printed boards and prepare them to deliver Certified IPC-6012 Specialist (CIS) training.

PIEK International Education Centre

Express Newsletter: via plug bare copper (311)

SMTnet Express - June 24, 2021

SMTnet Express, June 24, 2021, Subscribers: 26,990, Companies: 11,385, Users: 26,722 Filling of Microvias and Through Holes by Electrolytic Copper Plating — Current Status and Future Outlook The electronics industry is further

Partner Websites: via plug bare copper (40)

via plug bare copper searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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