Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 15:51:21 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice
&gt; If quality or Reliability is the key.... BTU, <BR> &gt; Soltec Vitronics..Rehm... If it is the money <BR> &gt; ...probably not these brands.....:) <BR> <BR> Well I
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 09:45:08 EDT 2004 | pioneertechnology
In 1995 we bought 4 Vitronics U520 reflow ovens with top heat only. We ran these ovens until 2003 for both curing and lead reflow with no problems. In 1998 we bought 1 U520 top and bottom heat and one U820 top and bottom heat and once again we had
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Make: Vitronics Soltec Model: Centurion CT820 Vintage: 2019 Description: Reflow Oven Details: Edge Rail & Mesh Belt Conveyors Air 8 Heating Zones 2 Cooling Zones KIC Profiler Total Heating Length: 111.8 Max Gas Temperature Set Point: 350°C Auto Ch
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Vitronics Soltec XPM2-820 Reflow Oven Date of Manufacture: 2005 Details: 8 Heating Zones 2 Cooling Zones Air Edge Rail & Mesh Belt Conveyors 3 Phase ~ 208v ~50/60Hz Condition: Complete & Operational Location & Shipping: USA / FOB Orig
SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 9 - from SMTnet.com Volume 2, Issue No. 9 Thursday, September 14, 2000 Featured Article Return to Front Page Reflow Profiling The Benefits of Implementing a Ramp-to-Spike Profile by David Suraski /AIM
SMTnet Express, July 3, 2019, Subscribers: 32,112, Companies: 10,820, Users: 24,903 Reduce Pollution of Process Gasses in an Air Reflow Oven Credits: Vitronics Soltec The introduction of lead-free solders resulted in a selection of different
| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Auctions/RecentAuctions.aspx
[Sold in its Entirety] SOLD - Offering Sold In Its Entirety Auction Cancelled -- Sold in its Entirety Surplus SMT Equipment from Jabil St. Petersburg, FL Fuji XPF-L & AIM Placement Machines, MPM Accela Screen Printer, Vitronics Reflow Oven, Nordson Curing