Electronics Forum: wash or no wash (39)

Re: water soluable or no clean flux?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 09:02:34 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| Hi all, | | We have a little discussion here about the suitable flux for a certain process, as all of us are beginners we need your advice. | | We are producing VGA cards and mother boards for PC's all components to be wave soldered are TH, the S

Re: water soluable or no clean flux?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 02:51:06 EDT 1999 | Mohammed saad

Thank you all for your help. about your question Wolfgang, I am using no-clean solder paste from Kester. Mohammed | | Hi all, | | | | We have a little discussion here about the suitable flux for a certain process, as all of us are beginners we ne

Technical Library: wash or no wash (1)

Water Soluble Solder Paste, Wet Behind the Ears or Wave of the Future

Technical Library | 2017-03-22 20:58:08.0

Water soluble lead-free solder paste is widely used in today’s SMT processes, but the industry is slowly moving away from water soluble solder pastes in favor of no-clean solder pastes. This shift in usage of solder paste is driven by an effort to eliminate the water wash process. Some components cannot tolerate water wash and elimination of water washing streamlines the SMT process. Despite this shift, certain applications lend themselves to the use of water soluble solder paste.This paper details the research and development of a new water soluble lead-free solder paste which improves on the performance characteristics of existing technologies.


Express Newsletter: wash or no wash (63)

Partner Websites: wash or no wash (185)

Claw wash pump | Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

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Multiple Wash Steps Affecting Resistance Characteristics - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed

| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/multiple-wash-steps-affecting-resistance-characteristics

Multiple Wash Steps Affecting Resistance Characteristics - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed Looking for solder training standards, manuals, kits, and more

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