Industry Directory: wetting balanc (2)

Drive Technologies

Industry Directory | Distributor / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Manufacturer / Media / Publisher / Online Resource

All Through-hole & SMT PC Board Assembly equipments,Reflow and wavesoldering equipments,Humiseal conformal coating,SCH Technologies conformal coating equipments,Kyzen Cleaning solutions,Metronelec Solderability tester,Curing oven

Ascentech LLC

Industry Directory | Distributor / Manufacturer / Manufacturer's Representative

North American Distributor for GEN3 Systems Ltd.test equipment and reliability products, and Inspectis HD Camera inspection tools.

New SMT Equipment: wetting balanc (4)

MIUST III Solderability Test (wetting balance)

MIUST III Solderability Test (wetting balance)

New Equipment | Test Equipment

MUST System III –  Solderability test system (wetting balance) tests to IEC 60068-2-54 and 60068-2-69, MIL-STD-883 Method 2022, IPC/IEC J-STD003A, IPC/IEC/JEDEC J-STD-002B and EIA/JET-7401.  Includes everything needed for all forms of solderability t

Ascentech LLC

SACM™ Soldering Alloy

SACM™ Soldering Alloy

New Equipment | Solder Materials

Superior Drop Shock Performance AND Thermal Cycling Reliability Current Industry Dilemma The standard set of Pb-free alloys has a dramatic trade-off between thermal cycling and drop testing. Additionally, all these SAC alloys are far inferior to

Indium Corporation

Electronics Forum: wetting balanc (58)

Re: wetting

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 11 10:58:58 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | What does the term "poor wetting" mean as a defect code ? "Poor" should mean unacceptable when surface (component or PCB solder termination areas) wetting does not provide acceptable solder joints. Unacceptable wetting of PCB solder termination

Palladium poor wetting

Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 21:14:22 EDT 2006 | davef

First, where the temperatures that aare mentioned in the original post measured? Second, it sounds like the PdAg component terminations are not seeing enough heat [your soldering iron touch-up proves this]. Your 232*C peak is the absolute minimum s

Industry News: wetting balanc (44)

IPC Updates Two Test Documents

Industry News | 2003-05-15 08:02:52.0

IPC announces the release of two newly revised standards on solderability

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Next Edition of IPC Publications Catalog Released

Industry News | 2003-08-27 10:43:02.0

This 41-page document is the complete source for printed circuit board and electronics assembly standards and publications for design, materials, manufacturing, assembly, quality and test.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Technical Library: wetting balanc (3)


Technical Library | 2023-01-10 20:03:37.0

Since the IPC-4552 rev A for ENIG was introduced there have been many requests for clarification of acceptable and unacceptable levels of nickel corrosion. This paper attempts to further clarify the effects of nickel corrosion on solder wetting balance test results and the resultant intermetallic formed. The study will attempt to produce level 1, level 2, and level 3 corrosion as denoted by IPC-4552 rev A and tabulate wetting balance results and congruity of intermetallic formed.

Uyemura International Corporation

To Quantify a Wetting Balance Curve

Technical Library | 2017-10-19 01:17:56.0

Wetting balance testing has been an industry standard for evaluating the solderability of surface finishes on printed circuit boards (PCB) for many years. A Wetting Balance Curve showing Force as a function of Time, along with the individual data outputs "Time to Zero" T(0), "Time to Two-Thirds Maximum Force" T(2/3), and "Maximum Force" F(max) are usually used to evaluate the solderability performance of various surface finishes. While a visual interpretation of the full curve is a quick way to compare various test results, this method is subjective and does not lend itself readily to a rigorous statistical evaluation. Therefore, very often, when a statistical evaluation is desired for comparing the solderability between different surface finishes or different test conditions, one of the individual parameters is chosen for convenience. However, focusing on a single output usually doesn't provide a complete picture of the solderability of the surface finish being evaluated.In this paper, various models here-in labeled as "point" and "area" models are generated using the three most commonly evaluated individual outputs T(0), T(2/3), and F(max). These models have been studied to quantify how well each describes the full wetting balance curve. The solderability score (S-Score) with ranking from 0 to 10 were given to quantify the wetting balance curve as the result of the model study, which corresponds well with experimental results.


Videos: wetting balanc (20)

MPM 100 and Momentum BTB Printers

MPM 100 and Momentum BTB Printers


MPM 100 and Momentum BTB Printers


Electrovert Wave Soldering

Electrovert Wave Soldering


In the wave soldering industry, Electrovert® holds the industry reputation for having the most innovative technologies, best performance, highest reliability, and as being the best investment over a long product life cycle. Electrovert’s® Electra™, V


Express Newsletter: wetting balanc (102)

SMTnet Express - November 19, 2017

SMTnet Express, November 19, 2017, Subscribers: 30,938, Companies: 10,768, Users: 23,942 To Quantify a Wetting Balance Curve Frank Xu Ph.D., Robert Farrell, Rita Mohanty Ph.D.; Enthone Wetting balance testing has been an industry standard

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