Electronics Forum: wetting issues on gold contact (9)

Dewetting on QFP

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 16:19:58 EDT 2005 | davef

Q1) How to identify on good or bad ICs lead that could contribute to dewetting? A1) Distinguish between good or bad IC that could contribute to dewetting by testing for solderability, according to J-STD-002. Q2) What actions that must be taken in fa

Solder Spotting on Gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 09:51:20 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

This text may be of interest to any one with tin lead spots Guide to Solder Spots - A New Plague in Manufacture ? So what are solder spots ? They appear to be the next big problem in modern reflow assembly in fact in any process that involves solder

Industry News: wetting issues on gold contact (6)

IPC Conference on Electronics Assembly in Budapest Offers Critical Information for Eastern Europe’s Fast-Growing Industry

Industry News | 2012-01-07 21:33:05.0

To support the consistent and rapid growth in Eastern Europe’s electronics assembly industry, IPC will hold its second annual IPC Conference on Electronics Assembly: Soldering, Assembly & Inspection in Budapest, Hungary, on 20-22 March 2012. This three-day event includes workshops, a two-day technical conference and a tabletop exhibition, providing myriad opportunities for participants to network with industry experts and gain insight into new technologies and trends in this key market.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Averatek to Present "Reliability of Solder Joints on Flexible Aluminum PC Boards" at SMTAI

Industry News | 2021-10-07 15:38:24.0

Averatek is pleased to announce that it will present a paper during the during the SMTA International Conference Nov. 1-4, 2021 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Divyakant Kadiwala, Nazarali Merchant, Ph.D., and Benny Lam co-authored "Reliability of Solder Joints on Flexible Aluminum PC Boards."

Averatek Corporation

Technical Library: wetting issues on gold contact (1)

Effects of PCB Substrate Surface Finish and Flux on Solderability of Lead-Free SAC305 Alloy

Technical Library | 2021-10-20 18:21:06.0

The solderability of the SAC305 alloy in contact with printed circuit boards (PCB) having different surface finishes was examined using the wetting balance method. The study was performed at a temperature of 260 _C on three types of PCBs covered with (1) hot air solder leveling (HASL LF), (2) electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG), and (3) organic surface protectant (OSP), organic finish, all on Cu substrates and two types of fluxes (EF2202 and RF800). The results showed that the PCB substrate surface finish has a strong effect on the value of both the wetting time t0 and the contact angle h. The shortest wetting time was noted for the OSP finish (t0 = 0.6 s with EF2202 flux and t0 = 0.98 s with RF800 flux), while the ENIG finish showed the longest wetting time (t0 = 1.36 s with EF2202 flux and t0 = 1.55 s with RF800 flux). The h values calculated from the wetting balance tests were as follows: the lowest h of 45_ was formed on HASL LF (EF2202 flux), the highest h of 63_ was noted on the OSP finish, while on the ENIG finish, it was 58_ (EF2202 flux). After the solderability tests, the interface characterization of cross-sectional samples was performed by means of scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy.

Foundry Research Institute

Express Newsletter: wetting issues on gold contact (919)

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 9 - from SMTnet.com

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 9 - from SMTnet.com Volume 2, Issue No. 9 Thursday, September 14, 2000 Featured Article Return to Front Page Reflow Profiling The Benefits of Implementing a Ramp-to-Spike Profile by David Suraski /AIM

SMT Express, Issue No. 2 - from SMTnet.com

SMT Express, Issue No. 2 - from SMTnet.com Volume 1, Issue No. 2 Wednesday, July 14, 1999 Featured Article Continued From Previous Page PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD FABRICATION BASICS AN OUTLINE Earl Moon Proof Of Design (POD) 8. PLATING (AND

Partner Websites: wetting issues on gold contact (190)

How to Prevent Non-Wetting Defect during the SMT Reflow Process-SMT Technical-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow

| http://etasmt.com/cc?ID=te_news_industry,24564&url=_print

>> SMT Technical How to Prevent Non-Wetting Defect during the SMT Reflow Process Wetting issues are classified by Non-wetting and Dewetting

South East Asia Technical Conference on Electronics Assembly | SMTA South East Asia

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) | https://www.smta.org/southeast-asia/

smta.org The South East Asia Technical Conference on Electronics Assembly is a highly technical event that is focused on today's most important and timely issues

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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