New SMT Equipment: white corrosion on no clean flux (1)

Kapp Lunar Flux - High Temperature Soldering Flux for Aluminum and Diecast

Kapp Lunar Flux - High Temperature Soldering Flux for Aluminum and Diecast

New Equipment | Solder Materials

Kapp Lunar Flux™ is a slurry designed specifically for soldering casted Aluminum, Diecast, Zamak, White Metal and Pot Metal using Alumite™ solder. Residue is electrically conductive and slightly corrosive. Any flux residue should be removed with warm

Solder Direct

Electronics Forum: white corrosion on no clean flux (51)

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 22:22:00 EST 2003 | Grant Petty

Hi, The guys here have some boards that have been reworked however as we use no-clean paste we are getting the white residue after ultrasonic cleaning. We are using an alcohol based cleaner in the ultra sonic cleaner. Does anyone have any ideas, or

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 23:59:48 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Grant, No-Clean paste + IPA = White Residue! #1: Stop using IPA #2: Switch to either a solvent-based de-fluxing chemical or an aqueous-based de-fluxing chemical. If you are using an ultrasonic cleaner for your boards as stated, do not use sapon

Industry News: white corrosion on no clean flux (5)

IPC & SMTA’s High-Reliability Cleaning & Conformal Coating Conference’s Session 4 to Focus on Customer Cleaning Challenges/Needs

Industry News | 2016-10-13 16:00:08.0

Industry-leading associations IPC and SMTA jointly announce the High-Reliability Cleaning and Conformal Coating Conference, scheduled to take place October 25-27, 2016 at Hyatt Rosemont, Rosemont, Illinois. The conference is focused on best practices for designing, cleaning and coating highly dense electronic assemblies to assure reliability in today’s mobile society.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Kyzen to Present Two Presentations Focusing on Industry Hot Topics during SMTA China East Conference

Industry News | 2011-05-06 21:39:30.0

Kyzen announces that Phil Zhang, its China Sales Manager, will present twice during the upcoming SMTA China East conference, which is being held in conjunction with NEPCON China 2011.

KYZEN Corporation

Technical Library: white corrosion on no clean flux (2)

The Nature of White Residue on Printed Circuit Assemblies

Technical Library | 1999-05-07 10:47:00.0

White residue remaining after cleaning circuit board assemblies can be caused by a variety of chemicals and reactions. Rosin and water-soluble fluxes, circuit board resins and epoxies, component materials and other contamination all contribute to this complex chemistry. This paper discusses many of the sources of the residues that seem to be an ever-increasing occurrence.


Partially-Activated Flux Residue Impacts on Electronic Assembly Reliabilities

Technical Library | 2016-12-29 15:37:51.0

The reliabilities of the flux residue of electronic assemblies and semiconductor packages are attracting more and more attention with the adoption of no-clean fluxes by majority of the industry. In recent years, the concern of "partially activated" flux residue and their influence on reliability have been significantly raised due to the miniaturization along with high density design trend, selective soldering process adoption, and the expanded use of pallets in wave soldering process. When flux residue becomes trapped under low stand-off devices, pallets or unsoldered areas (e.g. selective process), it may contain unevaporated solvent, "live" activators and metal complex intermediates with different chemical composition and concentration levels depending on the thermal profiles. These partially-activated residues can directly impact the corrosion, surface insulation and electrochemical migration of the final assembly. In this study, a few application tests were developed internally to understand this issue. Two traditional liquid flux and two newly developed fluxes were selected to build up the basic models. The preliminary results also provide a scientific approach to design highly reliable products with the goal to minimize the reliability risk for the complex PCB designs and assembly processes. This paper was originally published by SMTA in the Proceedings of SMTA International


Express Newsletter: white corrosion on no clean flux (807)

SMTnet Express - October 7, 2021

SMTnet Express, October 7, 2021, Subscribers: 26,641, Companies: 11,452, Users: 26,882 Cleaning Before Conformal Coating Cleaning PCBs before conformal coating removes potentially harmful and unknown contaminants from the board

SMTnet Express August 1 - 2013, Subscribers: 26182

SMTnet Express August 1, 2013, Subscribers: 26182, Members: Companies: 13440, Users: 34997 A Review of Corrosion and Environmental Effects on Electronics by Rajan Ambat; Technical University of Denmark Electronic industry uses a number of metallic

Partner Websites: white corrosion on no clean flux (1211)

JM-20 Sn63/Pb40 – 1.6 mm No Clean Leaded Flux Cored Solder Wire


JM-20 Sn63/Pb40 – 1.6 mm No Clean Leaded Flux Cored Solder Wire Login Create Account Contact View My Cart Menu × Categories Hand Soldering

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Count On Tools, Inc.
Count On Tools, Inc.

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


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