Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 21:11:25 EDT 2001 | davef
When it works right, it's a beautious thing. => When goes wrong, you have one board with some of the other board's material, not too coo. Scribed and broken ceramic has bad-butt sharp edges. You'll feel this sticky stuff on your hands, look down,
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 09:51:20 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis
This text may be of interest to any one with tin lead spots Guide to Solder Spots - A New Plague in Manufacture ? So what are solder spots ? They appear to be the next big problem in modern reflow assembly in fact in any process that involves solder
Industry News | 2018-08-12 18:49:11.0
U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign legislation on Monday that will bring greater focus and long-term leadership to the government’s interests in military electronics.
Industry News | 2018-07-26 19:29:58.0
IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® is applauding leaders in the U.S. House and Senate for finalizing the FY2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and including a provision on military electronics backed by IPC.
Technical Library | 1999-05-07 10:47:00.0
White residue remaining after cleaning circuit board assemblies can be caused by a variety of chemicals and reactions. Rosin and water-soluble fluxes, circuit board resins and epoxies, component materials and other contamination all contribute to this complex chemistry. This paper discusses many of the sources of the residues that seem to be an ever-increasing occurrence.
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/efd/blog/112921-automated-adhesive-dispensing-system-simplifies-edge-sealing-on-pcb
) on its printed circuit boards (PCBs). WLCSPs are generally used because they enable higher semiconductor content in a high-performing, small package that lowers cost of ownership for manufacturers
ASCEN Technology | https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/custom_automatic_machine/pcb_cutting_mach/386.html
: PCB printed circuit separator is used for separate the PCB board with the V-grooves. And apply for the PCB circuit board and the LED T8 tube bar separating. Description
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