Electronics Forum: white tin residue on pcb (33)

Re: White residue on PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 10:29:28 EDT 2000 | G. English

Try the following steps : FIRST CHECK THE ARCHIVE for further information, it WILL help you. Step One : What�s the chemical analysis of this white res? Obtain a sample. It could be tin, rosin, or something else??? Step Two : The fastest way I know

White residue on PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 09:55:10 EDT 2000 | Ian Harrison

Some boards that are populated by one of our subcontractors are getting a white powdery residue forming on them. I think it is the non clean flux and process which they are using that is causing the problem. Their process is as follows. Flux is put i

Industry News: white tin residue on pcb (5)

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:29:29.0

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Aqueous Technologies’ CEO to Present on the Rush to Clean No-Clean at ICSR 2011

Industry News | 2011-04-04 15:57:24.0

Aqueous Technologies Corp. announces that CEO Michael Konrad will present the paper titled "Conductive Crystals, White Residues, and Lower Reliability — The Rush to Clean No-Clean" at the upcoming International Conference on Soldering & Reliability (ICSR).

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

Technical Library: white tin residue on pcb (1)

Influence of Salt Residues on BGA Head on Pillow (Hip)

Technical Library | 2016-05-26 15:07:36.0

The oxide layers are known as wetting inhibitors in component and PCB metallizations. The oxide acts as barrier that prevent the tin diffusion from happening. Besides, in corrosion studies, the role of salt residues -with Cl ion- on some metals is known as being promoters of oxidation or corrosion. On the other hand, most of corrosion studies with tin metallization are focused mainly on the corrosion resistance of tin alloys, but little has been done respecting to the influence of salts on tin metallization wetting. In this paper, a series of experiments was carried over to know the influence of specifically NaCl on BGA wetting given Head in Pillow (HiP) as result.

Continental Corporation

Express Newsletter: white tin residue on pcb (923)

SMTnet Express - August 1, 2019

SMTnet Express, August 1, 2019, Subscribers: 32,197, Companies: 10,845, Users: 24,998 Tin Whiskers: Risks with Lead Free | Part I Credits: ACI Technologies, Inc. Tin (Sn) metal displays the characteristic of growing "tin whiskers" from pure tin

Lead-free and Tin-lead Assembly and Reliability of Fine-pitch Wafer-Level CSPs

Lead-free and Tin-lead Assembly and Reliability of Fine-pitch Wafer-Level CSPs News • Forums • SMT Equipment • Company Directory • Calendar • Career Center • Advertising • About • FREE Company Listing! Lead-free and Tin-lead Assembly

Partner Websites: white tin residue on pcb (70)

PCB cutting tool-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB router,PCB

ASCEN Technology | https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/custom_automatic_machine/pcb_cutting_mach/360.html

. 5, Surface white spray powder baking varnish is a special process, not easy to fall off Application: long strip aluminum substrate, LED light strip,PCB circuit boards with V-grooves

ASCEN Technology

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