Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 16:13:12 EDT 2007 | Ben T
D?rty, I was actually under the same mission as you a little over a year ago, but have since given up on the impossible. I have however been developing software for the industry for the past year. I have made a BOM importing tool, which cleans the BO
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 11:11:56 EST 2006 | jhaviland
I have worked with both Mirtec and Yestech and you really can't go wrong with either, they both have a good support group if you need it. by my take on the 2 is that yestech is a little less comprehensive inspection wise and a little slower than Mi
Industry News | 2013-08-27 13:14:25.0
Baja Bid, a leading host for online SMT exchange auction events, is kicking off another sale of used SMT, assembly, and remanufactured SMT equipment.
Industry News | 2013-08-22 12:55:43.0
A leading auction agency has announced it will be hosting an online exchange auction of used equipment utilized in the electronics manufacturing industry. The auction opens on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 8:00am EST and begins closing on Thursday, August 29, 2013 at 11:00am EST.
www.unisoft-cim.com/prontoaoi.htm - ProntoAOI software from Unisoft is used by electronic manufacturers to quickly program their Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machines and X-RAY Equipment. ProntoAOI programs most popular AOI Equipment such as
Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-tag/yestech-aoi/
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Baja Bid | https://bajabid.com/product/nordson-yestech-bx-benchtop-aoi/
2015 Nordson / Yestech BX Benchtop AOI - Baja Bid LLC Skip to content Your EMS Asset Management Partner Careers | Current Auctions Linkedin page opens in new window Baja Bid LLC Your EMS Asset Management Partner Home About Services Managed Online Auctions Asset Analysis Consignment Program Cash Buyout Program