Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 15:25:51 EDT 2004 | bpan
Anyone out there have a good second source to purchase z-bellows (besides Tyco). Its worth a try!!!
Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 16:07:44 EDT 2004 | gregp
Here's a couple for starters...don't know quality or pricing. http://www.cotinc.com/Pages/Quad.htm http://www.goppm.com There are others who make replacement nozzles as well as other spare parts.
KingFei SMT Tech | http://www.smtspare-parts.com/sale-11910691-samsung-cp40lv-bellows-smt-nozzle-holder-j9055046a-cp45-cp45neo-holder.html
Samsung CP40LV Bellows / SMT Nozzle Holder J9055046A CP45/CP45NEO Holder Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters
KD Electronics Ltd. | http://www.kundasmt.com/?A-Equipment-Accessories/6008.html
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