New SMT Equipment: zero systems zi-100 contamination tester (2)

Austin American Technology Mega ION® Pre-Conformal Coat Cleaner / ROSE Tester

Austin American Technology Mega ION® Pre-Conformal Coat Cleaner / ROSE Tester

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

SOLVENT IONIC REGENERATION Increases bath life by removing flux as well as particulate contamination from the wash solution. This provides on average a 300% to 1000% increase in  bath life and reduces solvent waste. Ionic regeneration also increases

Austin American Technology

Austin American Technology Aqua ROSE™ Batch Circuit Cleaner / Tester Systems

Austin American Technology Aqua ROSE™ Batch Circuit Cleaner / Tester Systems

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

WORLD’S FIRST AQUEOUS CLEANER / TESTER The Aqua ROSE™, from Austin American Technology, introduces a new era to batch cleaning / Ionic Contamination Testing. Now experience a batch cleaner that offers multiple cleaning and testing technologies for c

Austin American Technology

Electronics Forum: zero systems zi-100 contamination tester (6)

Re: Approach To Contamination Testing Of PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 19:05:02 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

Dave, Ionic contamination testers are considered to be a valuable tool to determine the cleanliness of both bare boards and post solder boards. There are some instances when SIR testing is more suitable for determining cleanliness than ionic contamin

Re: ionograph testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 27 13:50:52 EDT 1999 | Mike Konrad

Aqueous Technologies manufactures the Zero-Ion ionic contamination tester. The Zero-Ion utilizes dynamic-based technology and has been assigned the highest equivalency value by the NAWC. It is among the most sensitive of all of the military-approved

Industry News: zero systems zi-100 contamination tester (97)

Aqueous Technologies Offers Special Online Sale Price for Zero-Ion g3

Industry News | 2011-11-01 10:52:43.0

Aqueous Technologies announces the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Zero-Ion Ionic Contamination (cleanliness) Tester.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

Aqueous Technologies Launches Video Dedicated to the Zero-Ion G3

Industry News | 2009-10-22 12:44:35.0

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA — October 2009 — Aqueous Technologies Corp. announces the video release of the Zero-Ion Ionic Contamination (Cleanliness) Tester. The Zero-Ion G3 represents the next generation of ionic contamination testing systems.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

Express Newsletter: zero systems zi-100 contamination tester (992)

Partner Websites: zero systems zi-100 contamination tester (54)

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMs) Applications | Nordson

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

) Automated Optical Inspection Systems (1) Barrels (1) Bondtesters (1) Dispensing Systems - Adhesives and Sealants (1) Jet Cleaners (1) Micro Materials Tester (1

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Tempo Automation Online Auction - Baja Bid LLC

Baja Bid |

: Asys Divisio 2100 Board Router (2018) Wash : Aqua Kleen Typhoon T-20 Inline Wash (2018) Aqueous Technologies Zero-Ion G3-24 Contamination Tester (2017

Baja Bid

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