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Avoidance of Ceramic-Substrate-Based LED Chip Cracking Induced by PCB Bending or Flexing

Technical Library | 2022-09-25 20:18:33.0

Printed circuit board (PCB) bending and/or flexing is an unavoidable phenomenon that is known to exist and is easily encountered during electronic board assembly processes. PCB bending and/or flexing is the fundamental source of tensile stress induced on the electronic components on the board assembly. For more brittle components, like ceramic-based electronic components, micro-cracks can be induced, which can eventually lead to a fatal failure of the components. For this reason, many standards organizations throughout the world specify the methods under which electronic board assemblies must be tested to ensure their robustness, sometimes as a pre-condition to more rigorous environmental tests such as thermal cycling or thermal shock.

Cree Lighting

Re: APEX 2000 is over, or is it just starting?

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 18 13:01:02 EST 2000 | Rob Fischer

As one of the exhibitors I can say that I totally agree with you. It was the best show I've been to in quite some time. We were in the main hall and the attendees came for a specific reason and weren't dissappointed. The relaxed attitude of the sh

Sm t net

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