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Losing parts in reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 14:48:48 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Is there a sort of standard method to prevent part loss in reflow? I've had a couple of situations come up recently where we've lost some parts during second-side processing. We're running an Heller 1800, with a mesh belt. Most items process fine,

Reflow Profile Design

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 11:54:35 EDT 2007 | grantp

Hi, The problem seemed to be across multiple batches of boards, so I think they were made correctly, and we don't use a carrier in the reflow oven. However we just moved our equipment to the new factory yesterday, and connect and start turning on

Cleaning prototype PCB assemblies and waste water

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 20 11:39:56 EDT 2007 | realchunks

That's like asking the IRS to do your taxes for ya. Once they're in your building, they will not leave until they go thru top to bottom. Remember, EPA Field Investigators are "supposed" to find things wrong. They may not find any thing wrong with


Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 09:56:30 EDT 2007 | grics

Good Morning! I was curious if anybody would be able to help point me in a direction where I can research process control on spray fluxing. Our spray fluxers tend to be neglected. We currently are applying flux and running. My goal is to setup pr

Compressor air line material

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 23 11:35:58 EDT 2007 | grantp

Hi, Yes, we just built a new plant, and used copper again. The stuff we cut out of the old building was copper, and it was fine without any issues. We lay it on an angle so condensation flows to an end, and can be periodically vented, and we take a

Compressor air line material

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 10:41:32 EDT 2007 | slthomas

We had a cooler fail once, before we had any SMT. Auto-insert was at the far end of the building, at the end of the compressed air line. When the Unimod (dip inserter) sprayed the operator with water when the pneumatic table rotation motor fired up

Lead-Free BGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 29 09:51:27 EDT 2007 | bjrap3

I have never had a problem with any other BGA's that I reworked. I recently found out that the BGA that we are trying to rework is made poorly and warps automatically from the heat. There is nothing that we could do to prevent this. Also the board

Mydata A12 tool tip damage

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 06:43:54 EDT 2007 | allgood

Hi Thanks for the input. Problem is only ever the A12 plastic tip (no damage ever seen on any other tool). I suspect we have not helped by skipping the retrim operation when we have changed a part so we'll do that but also I just discovered setti

Mydata A12 tool tip damage

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 17:10:43 EDT 2007 | jamyboy

You might want to check the Xwagon bearings. We had the same issue with the TP9-UFP we ordered all the possible parts Xmotors small large, encoder, transducer, couplings etc. over 10K worth of parts. The only thing we didnt order was the actual x-wag

PANASERT MviiF Nozzles Breaking Frequently

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 02:19:50 EDT 2007 | vijayanandh

PANASERT MViiF --> PANASERT MSF --> BTU Reflow Currently we're facing massive problems with MViiF(chip shooter) nozzles being damaged and broken. Anyone around who is facing the similar problems? We're looking into the feeders (worn out base/problem

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