Electronics Forum: basing (Page 178 of 312)

Re: Troubles with parts recognition

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 19 05:34:45 EST 2000 | Dane Stokes

Also Jan, Don't you have to send your components through a filter program when transfering from a 4796 to a 4791 or vice versa. I know you have to do this when transfering a 4790 program to a 4791 because the speed data does not transfer correctly. I

Effective Alternatives To Stencil Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 15:03:18 EST 2001 | davef

I have a knack for asking those "set-up" questions of sales types during their presentations. It's so bad, I don't even have to pay for lunch to attend SMTA meetings. The "presenter" pays for Dave. YES!!! I've read the Richard S. Clouthier "SMT S

Moisture sensitive components (MSC)

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 16:33:08 EST 2001 | davef

Time, time, time. There just never seems to be enough!!! Eh? You�re correct. Depending on the material, some trays can take a high temperature bake, while other trays, in addition to tubes, and reels, require a low temperature bake. With this la

Solder balls on solder side!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 03:57:46 EST 2001 | peterbarton

Are you using a water based flux? Are the solder balls mainly around or near non-plated holes or near the edges of the PCB? If so the preheat must be set so the water content of the flux is fully evaporated before the board hits the solder wave. If

Soldering fumes

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 21:06:17 EST 2001 | davef

Liken soldering fumes to cigarette smoke. These fumes consist of two elements. 1 Smoke particles [very sticky] 2 Gases and vapors Particulate Filters: Smoke particles can be removed with a particulate filter. All particulate filters are graded u

No-clean solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 14:12:09 EST 2001 | slthomas

Interesting...the very reason we use water soluble paste on some of our boards is for that reason, although I've never been able to get anyone to show me something in print that supports it. It's just what engineering has told me. We currently have

No-clean solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 16:35:06 EST 2001 | Steve

Deja vu! When I read your response I turned around to see if you standing behind me listening to our problem. We currently make about 50 different boards all using no-clean that have no problems, yet this newest boards has a couple of issues that eng

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 18:14:19 EST 2001 | kerryn

Hi Dave, I looked into the South Coast Air Quality Management District Clean Air Solvent Certification when I was having my problems with VOCs. The problem with the SCAQMD CAS Certification is that it only certifies chemicals as they are found in t


Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 22:24:32 EDT 2001 | davef

I think your solder mask is a partial cause of your solder balling. Additionally, adjusting some machine set-up parameters may also help. 1 If we were talking about a single assembly problem, we�d be thinking about the laminate, but since you say t

RMA flux Based Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 21:52:34 EDT 2001 | sjlevin

If you do not have one of the big in-line aqueous cleaners, then there is an easier way that is a lot less expensive. I suggest you try Asahi's AK-225T vapor degreasing solvent which has been around for 10 years now. And it is legal. If you have

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