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Static control for shelving

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 18:06:35 EDT 2003 | davef

Antistat sprays are a waste of time and money. These sprays just soaps disolved in water that absorb moisture from the air. Your minimum requirements: Conductive floor mats and wrist straps that are properly grounded. From there, consider using

Static control for shelving

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 18:45:35 EDT 2003 | bman

An idea I just heard today would be to run a strip of copper tape across each shelf, then screw the tape into the shelf to ensure metal to metal contact. Considering the shelves seem to all have a path to ground through the supports, I don't see why

Fuji Recovery #

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 11:51:53 EDT 2003 | ServGuy

Personally, I'd run 1 time recovery, and depending on chip-shooter model, I'd use 2nd station parts detection on larger parts with error stop. The situation you decribe, a couple caps an hour would'nt stop the machine unless they came from the same f

Fuji Recovery #

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 11:52:05 EDT 2003 | ServGuy

Personally, I'd run 1 time recovery, and depending on chip-shooter model, I'd use 2nd station parts detection on larger parts with error stop. The situation you decribe, a couple caps an hour would'nt stop the machine unless they came from the same f

Feeder/Machine Maintenance Tracking

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 07:16:38 EDT 2003 | cyber_wolf

Hi, Does anybody know of a company that sells a feeder/machine maint. tracking system.I would like to barcode all of our machines/feeders to track maint. We already have a barcode scanner and printer to do all of our SMT parts. Maybe there is some w

Feeder/Machine Maintenance Tracking

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 11:06:16 EDT 2003 | davef

Se�or Tech: Consider searching the fine SMTnet Archives, while you await other responses. There was an idential thread in what seems the past six months. Time passes as blur. So, it could have longer than that. As I recall, you should be consi

Pb Free Components and Non-Pb Free Solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 15:57:18 EDT 2003 | Fred Matthews

As the traqnsistion to Pb free manufacturing gains speed and exposure the period between true Pb free solutions and the present is still somewhat distant. Are there any publications or documentation on the use of Pb free components and non-Pb free

Complexity Index of PCB for characterising reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 17:42:52 EDT 2003 | Kris

How can one go about defining the complexity of a PCB for characterizing reflow profiles A large balanced board may be easier to profile than smaller unbalanced board ? Any ideas how to define an index to calculate the complexity based on size,weig

Complexity Index of PCB for characterising reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 15 16:00:53 EDT 2003 | Cameron

Take a look at the product here: http://www.kicthermal.com/products/KIC-Auto-Focus.pdf KIC uses a previously profiled product library to calculate in spec reflow profiles for new products. Just enter you dimensions and if finds a solution for you.

lets see a show of hands

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 13 11:06:01 EDT 2003 | bremerg

I work for a avonics company and the decesion by the company is that we will move over to LF kicking and screaming. They did the same when I took the 1,1,1,Trichlorethene away due to government regulations. Be carefull when any governmental organiz

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