Electronics Forum: electron (Page 4281 of 7892)

Mixed capacitor values on one reel

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 02:31:17 EDT 2004 | Darby

Check any inventory you have of 0805 3p9 capacitors manufactured by Exxxx in Europe. Batch # 1878029. Mixed values of 3p9 and 220pf are possibly on the one reel. I have never come across this before but we have found 5 reels where this is definite af

Solder Mask vs Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 12 21:31:49 EDT 2004 | Jim

MAke a new stencile and have the aperatures reduced by 20% in X and Y. This has solved 90% of all solder balling issues I have ever dealt with. Be careful with your fine pitch and micro-BGA's. If you are not having problems with fine pitch and 1:1

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 04:45:02 EDT 2004 | Rob

Hi, Depends on where in the world you're based, but in the UK you can pick up a decent Universal GSM1 for around �12K-�15K ($20K-$27K). We place BGA's, huge fine pitch IC's, 72mm connectors etc with no problem. I believe they do up to 100mm feeder

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 13:25:11 EDT 2004 | kbayram

Thank you all for your replies. Coincidently I am in the UK and doing research for a purchase in the first half of next year for export. At that price range what year of manufacture are we looking at? Looking at the specs it looks like a good, w

Universal RAD 5 Tooling Breaking

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 11:57:22 EDT 2004 | John S

We've recently gone through a spell with a Radial 5 where various pieces of the head tooling would break. We even found a piece broken inside of the wax seal straight from Universal. To keep it running, our techs put on tooling from a Radial 2 and

Universal RAD 5 Tooling Breaking

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 14:25:07 EDT 2004 | Claude_Couture

We had the same problems a few years back. We complained and they came back with the excuse that the supplier of the parts had made a bad batch. They sent us a new part in exchange of the broken one. When faced with premature breakage of parts that a

Print solder paste on test pad on OSP board

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 08:14:07 EDT 2004 | Rob

Hi, There are "Fluxbuster" or "Rotator" pins on the market - we had to use them a few years ago on a flexy board (with OSP). There is some info from one source at the following link: http://www.isiconnectors.com/mfrs/idi/idipr.htm#Rotator We got

Lifted Lead

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 10:39:50 EDT 2004 | Marie

Suggest looking at the packaging,is it sufficient to prevent damage to the QFP?. What way are these components stored when received?.Are the reels stored in boxes or racks?.Storage in boxes may cause damage from stacking the reels on top of each oth

Labeling of SMT solder stencils

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 13:40:50 EDT 2004 | paul_boxboro

I feel your pain. Your company may already be using Kapton tape labels for their board serial numbers labels. Kapton is able to withstand repeated wash and heat cycles, and can be printed on a typical Zebra printer. The key to a successful and accura

Looking for video of Formula 1 pitstop

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 06:39:45 EST 2006 | Jeff

I'm a Production Supervisor in a food plant in California. I'm looking for the same training video I once saw. It is very short and sweet and right to the point and opens the eyes and minds of the workers. If you find it please tell me where you foun

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