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what is the max print speed? thanks for your help

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 07:20:43 EDT 2007 | hussman

Why look at buying expensive equipement when you can have your board house multi-up a panel of boards for you. You just saved at least $150,000 American, didn't have to re-evaluate any solder paste, and even opened your process window on your oven.

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 11:54:37 EST 2005 | russ

Would you by chance be soldering copper to aluminum?

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 12:28:37 EST 2005 | PWH

I have seen problems similar to this caused by too high concentration of cleaning solution used in ultra-sonic cleaning process. If cleaning solution is used, make sure it is compatible with solder process. Also, improper mixing of fluxes and solde

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 00:44:31 EST 2005 | arnold

were having a problem on the units after soldered. after few hours or days the soldered wires has green decay. what does it cause. how can i prevent this.

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 07:20:02 EST 2005 | davef

We need more information about the situation. For instance: * Describe the green residue * Talk about the distribution of the problem, including a single lot or from various lots and over components and component types on the board * Tell us about t

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 26 23:19:29 EST 2005 | arnold

is there any term called on that corrosion or green contamination?

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 08:23:08 EST 2006 | davef

Look here: http://webexhibits.org/pigments/indiv/overview/verdigris.html

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 08:13:48 EST 2005 | grantp

Hi, Copper oxide is green right? So the green residue after a few days is corrosion of the wire? Regards, Grant

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 18:59:04 EST 2005 | KEN

Is this a wire dip tinning process? If yes, then your flux is probably trapped under the insulator, causing corrosion. BAD BAD BAD (hopefully you don't make wire harnesses for air planes or passenger trains). More info please.

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 07:12:22 EST 2006 | Slaine

on church copper roofs they call the green stuff verdigree (dont know if ive spelt it right)

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