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RoHS reflow ovens need more zones????

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 17:11:23 EST 2006 | gregcr

Hi All, I have vendors and even customers telling me that to properly run RoHS compliant products I should have ovens with more zones than my Heller 1500's. I have been running RoHS compliant product with these with very good results. So what ar

RoHS reflow ovens need more zones????

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 17:36:39 EST 2006 | russ

G, it is called, "I just went to a sales seminar on pbfree" Show them your profile and call them to the table. Make them tell you specifically what is wrong with your profiles. and even better yet make them explain to you why the extra zones are

RoHS reflow ovens need more zones????

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 16:24:26 EST 2006 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com

What we've seen is more heated length gives you the ability to run the oven at a higher chain speed. Notice, heated length... not # of zones. Needing to achieve higher temps at reflow can cause you to have to reduce your chain speed. For l

Lead Free paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 08 08:59:54 EST 2006 | Amol Kane

well, if in the past you havent seen this issue, then something in the process has changed......as any good process engineer should do, investigate it.....new batch of paste?, expired paste?, clogged stencil?, change in programming parameters?, chang

Stencil foils delaminating

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 08:06:17 EST 2006 | cyber_wolf

We are having continual problems with our stencil bindings falling apart in our washer. We use a PMR5000 ultrasonic with Vigon sc2000 cleaning fluid. We cycle them in the washer for about 9 minutes. The fluid sometimes heats up to 105 deg F. Our

Stencil foils delaminating

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 15:11:42 EST 2006 | bschreiber

This link will explain the cause of the delamination: http://www.smartsonic.com/ssonicfaq.html#4 You need to shorten the cleaning cycle and lower the temperature. Provide me with your mailing address and I will send you a sample of our 440-R SMT D

Stencil foils delaminating

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 24 10:03:08 EST 2006 | slthomas

"The fluid sometimes heats up to 105 deg F." Not sure what you mean here...is it set at 105 but rarely gets there, or is your temperature dependant upon another process to heat it up? Also, what temp is your rinse water? We used to use a U/S clean

Stencil foils delaminating

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 27 13:36:24 EST 2006 | cyber_wolf

The fluid heats up to 105-110 from the ultrasonics running, and or from the fluid filtering pumps. The rinse temp is always the same as the wash. It is a single tank with a partition welded in between. (One side rinse, and the other side wash) FYI

First Pass Yields

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 22:21:18 EST 2006 | John S.

I would think it would be more productive to compare DPMO. Particularly across different products. A simple board of 20 components should yield much higher than a complex board of 200 components. Also, some consideration should be given to the dif

First Pass Yields

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 09:09:48 EST 2006 | russ

That is great point John, it definitely gets you closer to apples vs apples. Remeber one time when we were compared to a another Mfgr that made a square box of plastic for one of our customers we made the PCB the fit into that box, we had wires, fi

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