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4790 replacement

Views: 4929



4790 replacement | 22 January, 2007

We are looking at replacing our aging 4790 for something. We are replacing our GSM1 with an Advantis. We are a prototype shop and do runs of 5 to 30 normally and once in a while a run of 300. So we are looking for flexibility and ease of set up. Currently the 4790 is nice because we can a lot of fixed feeders but it is getting very old and needs to be replaced. Currently we are looking at MyData, Universal and Fuji. The MyData looks great for the set up times but seems like that there would be a large learning curve. We are thinking of getting another Advantis, this would mean a lot of feeder changes. There are some used 4796s out there that look nice plenty of feeders and small learning curve. Someone suggested that we throw a CP6 in the mix; I don�t know much about them yet. So any thoughts or comments would be great.

Thanks, Dave

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4790 replacement | 22 January, 2007

Rip, When you say you are looking at Universal, I assume you mean the AdVantis AC-30L? Why go with another aging chipshooter like the 4796 or CP6, when the AC-30L can supply higher throughput, similar # of feeder inputs, larger component range, significantly smaller footprint, NPI toolset, and commonality with your flex placer? Seems like an ease choice to me.

regards Vickt

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4790 replacement | 22 January, 2007

NPI software from Universal is awesome for the small proto builds you are doing. Very few wasted parts - teach vision recognition on the run.

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4790 replacement | 25 January, 2007

If you are already getting an Advantis flex placer the AC-30 is a no brainer. It will also be a lot easier to balance the line than with another brand chipshooter. We have a video of ours running at We have had our first Advanits line for over a year and installed another one a couple of months ago. I have been in this business 18 years and worked with a lot of suppliers. This is our first Universal equipment and the first time I can say I am thrilled with the equipment and with the support. It really works as well as its supposed to and they really are as helpfull as they said they would be.

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4790 replacement | 25 January, 2007

Sorry, take the last period off the web address or you get some HVAC place.

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4790 replacement | 25 January, 2007

What is your budget? Hsp 4796 from Universal is great. You can still use Hsp4790 feeders with the Hsp 4796. Hsp4796 is very durable and it is can self taught a component. This is very helpful for you since you do a lot of prototype. Universal (Gsm) has a good NPI solfware which is good for change over and prototype. We still use some track feeders because some components comes in tube and Gsm NPI is very good. If you have a big buget, consider parallel process or modular such as Fuji or Philips. Philips is way cheaper and can do the job. You can get more bang for your bucks if you go with Philips.

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4790 replacement | 26 January, 2007

If you are already purchasing an Advantis your best bet for ease of programming would be sticking with another Universal product. Genesis, Advantis are all good choices.

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4790 replacement | 2 February, 2007

Mimot is another machine that is well suited for prototype runs. It's slower than a chip shooter and it is really a flex placer. You can keep a lot of fixed feeders and it is pretty easy to set up. Operator interface is excellent and programming is very easy. The company and the service are great. Some possible draw backs are that it doesn't pick from it's feeders as well as other machines and component scrap may be a little higher.

This message was posted via the Electronics Forum @

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4790 replacement | 3 February, 2007

Concider also the costs of all new feeders you need, which is by any means necessary! /

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